Chapter 508 - Bloodfiends

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While Nie Yan remained fairly calm these past few days, Guo Huai had been anxiously monitoring every little change in the market. He could faintly tell that another huge upheaval was about to come.

Alliance of Mages spending 2,000,000 gold to acquire gems was the straw that broke the camel's back. Noticing something was wrong with the market, more and more players began greedily amassing gems. The prices shot through the roof.

The higher the prices rose, the more people started buying. This was how the market operated.

Nie Yan, t-t-the prices! The prices of gems are starting to spike!」Guo Huai's voice cracked with excitement. These last five days had been incomparably nerve-wracking for him. With the prices of gems finally going up again, how could he not be thrilled?

Calm down. Let's wait a little longer,」Nie Yan chuckled. In the next few days, the prices of gems would only continue to rise. All they had to do was sit back, relax, and watch the gold start pouring in.

Only by waiting until the prices peaked could they maximize their profits. Nie Yan was like a hunter, patiently waiting for his prey.

I know, I know, but I still can't help myself from getting excited!」Guo Huai laughed. He also had a good eye for the market. However, this was 20,000,000 gold they were talking about! Very few people could keep calm when faced with such a vast sum of money!

Nie Yan naturally understood that money was only a means to an end. He had lived, died, and come back again. There were very few things that could still get him excited. This 20,000,000 gold was only the beginning.

Every player in the Viridian and Satreen Empires was closely watching the gem market. The recent volatility these past few days was surrounded by a veil of mystery. Many players couldn't tell what was going on. Some of them firmly held onto the belief that the secret shop existed, and that everything happening right now was a ploy by troublemakers to convince them to buy gems. They opted to keep waiting until prices fell to their desired range. Those with a bit of insight, on the other hand, started frantically buying up gems, which drove prices even higher. However, the average players took the wait and see approach. They could only watch on nervously as the prices of gems gradually rose higher and higher.

At present, no one could say whose judgement was correct.

"The price of Poison Resistance Gems dropped from 1,200 to 300 gold just a few days ago. Now it's back to 1,000 gold and it's still rising! What the hell!?" a Warrior gloomily said.

"It's not just the Poison Resistance Gems, others have shot up in price too, especially Fire Resistance Gems. They've practically doubled in price!"

"Luckily, I bought six gems when prices were low. I spent around 600 gold at that time. I bet I'll get 3,000 gold if I sell them now."

In this world, where there were winners, there also had to be losers.

Nie Yan casually browsed the auction house listings. There were clearly fewer gems up for sale than before. He estimated before long a drought would emerge in the gem market. When he passed through Calore's central square, he noticed a significant increase in the number of players teaming up to farm gems. Given the current volatility of the market, many people didn't dare to make a purchase. So, they decided to farm the gems they needed for themselves. However, their success was limited. A team grinding a specific map for five to six days straight would only see about three to four gems drop at most. Not to mention the type of gem that dropped was random. After divvying up the spoils, the exercise was hardly worth the effort.

Oh by the way, how many Magic Runestones did you manage to get your hands on?」Nie Yan asked.

Over 10,000! As for how many complete seven-element sets, around 500 or so,」Guo Huai replied. At present, the majority of player attention was on gems. Relatively few people were buying runestones. Furthermore, since the prices were so low, he managed to acquire a lot.

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