Chapter 563 - Skill Proficiency

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Nie Yan finally arrived on the correct island.

Following the beautiful sound of a song, Nie Yan headed toward Venita.

After a while, Nie Yan arrived at the eastern beach and saw a figure facing the sea in the distance. She looked no different from an ordinary human girl. She wore a white muslin sundress which fluttered with the wind and had long flowing golden locks which curled up at the end like the waves in the sea.

The official website's information page described Venita as an exceptional beauty. Even though she was already more than 1,000 years old, there wasn't the smallest wrinkle on her face. She could freely transform from human to dragon.

Dragons were a mysterious existence. Although many still appeared on the continent today, they were no longer the invincible tyrants of a millenia ago. They would either be hunted to death or become someone's pet. Venita was an outlier. Due to her relationship with the Ten Holy Paladins, the Viridian Empire's army didn't trouble her.

Nie Yan equipped the Medal of the Ten Holy Paladins and approached Venita.

"Hello, Lady Venita," Nie Yan greeted.

Venita turned around and stared at Nie Yan.

Seeing Venita's appearance, Nie Yan was left short of breath. She could be best described as a fair haired and blue-eyed maiden, resembling a goddess from Greek mythology.

Noticing the Medal of the Ten Holy Paladins on Nie Yan's chest, Venita's eyes trembled with emotion.

"Sir Nirvana Flame, may I ask how you obtained that medal?"

Nie Yan nodded, then explained how he obtained the medal. He told her everything, from how he helped Kavana's spirit ascend to heaven to how he was pursued by Brewin and more.

Hearing how Nie Yan escaped Brewin's pursuit, a trace of shock flashed across Venita's face.

"Sir Kavana is a good person. I made a pact with the human empire's Jebiah long ago. Unless a human attacks me first, I shall not attack them. Otherwise, I would've already killed that damned Brewin!" Venita said in a tone filled with hatred.

"Lady Venita, I wonder if you know the location of the other eight Paladins?" Nie Yan asked. This was the objective of the quest. He had to learn the location of the other eight Paladins, so he could go and rescue them.

"I do." Venita nodded affirmatively. She stared at Nie Yan for a moment, then continued, "I can tell you where they're being imprisoned. However, they're being guarded by the hellhound Cerberus. With your strength alone, it will be impossible for you to rescue them."

"Rest assured, lady Venita. I'll do my best to grow stronger until one day I can rescue their souls from their fiery torment!" Nie Yan declared in a resolute tone. He was inwardly cringing with shame. But for the sake of the quest, he could only try his best and put on a show.

Venita gazed at Nie Yan. He didn't turn away his gaze. Her eyes were like sapphires, sparkling and translucent without the slightest blemish.

"Youngster, I admire your determination. I will pass on a few things to you. I hope they'll be useful on your journey." Venita's eyes blossomed with enigmatic radiance. As though something was beckoning him, her gaze seemed to attract Nie Yan's soul like a magnet.

Nie Yan felt a wave of sleepiness wash over him as his eyelids grew heavy. He couldn't prevent himself from falling asleep, no matter how hard he struggled.

This was mind magic!

Do you wish to participate in Venita's Trial?

Nie Yan guessed this was a part of the quest. He hesitated for a moment. Asskickers United was still at war with Alliance of Mages. Would it be alright for him to enter this special instance? He considered the matter carefully. In the guild, he served more as a spiritual leader and someone who acted behind the scenes. He left commanding the troops to Guo Huai, Bladelight, and several others. So, even if he wasn't there, nothing would really change. If he declined Venita's quest, he didn't know if he would have the opportunity to enter this special instance again in the future. The Ten Holy Paladins quest was an extremely high difficulty one. When Asskickers United's players reached Level 100, he could have everyone kill Cerberus together, rescue the eight Paladins, and then have Karsi become his servant. This would have an fate-altering impact on the future of the guild, far more than the outcome of this war.

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