Chapter 474 - Three Lives for Three Lives

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Even though Nie Yan was under the effects of Shadow Bind, he wouldn't resign himself to fate so easily.

Although Nie Yan's active skills weren't available to him right now, he still had his passive skills!

Shadow Killer's appearance was fast and sudden, but Nie Yan still managed to react in a timely manner.

Just as the Smothering Strike was about to land, Nie Yan instinctively activated Death Immunity. This was one of his quest rewards for advancing to Great Thief. It made him immune to all crowd control for two seconds. Many Great Thieves possessed similar skills, but most of them weren't as good as his Death Immunity.

「Bang!」Shadow Killer's dagger stabbed into the back of Nie Yan's head.


Shadow Killer's dagger was coated in a highly toxic poison. Nie Yan's skin started turning a pale shade of green. This was a paralyzing poison. He felt his limbs gradually going numb. Thankfully, he had the Detoxifying Orb on him, which boosted his poison resistance. The spread of the poison was slowed down significantly, and its effects were greatly reduced.

This sort of poison was extremely rare. A bottle would generally sell for at least several thousand gold. First the Shadow Bind Scroll, now the paralysis poison. Shadow Killer had really gone all out for the sake of killing Nie Yan.

Shadow Killer was shocked in surprise. Nie Yan wasn't stunned! Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. It was Death Immunity!

What godly reaction speed!

Death Immunity's duration of two seconds was much less than that of Shadow Bind. Even if Nie Yan avoided being stunned, so what? Shadow Killer was confident in killing him all the same!

Although Death Immunity could prevent Nie Yan from being stunned by Smothering Strike, it couldn't remove the effects of Shadow Bind. It could block incoming crowd control skills, but it couldn't remove ones that were already in effect. Taking advantage of his target's immobilized state, Shadow Killer stabbed toward the back of Nie Yan's head with Heavy Pierce. This was a Freedom Skill. It also had a disabling effect which prevented the target from using active skills and running away.

If Heavy Pierce landed, it would basically be a death sentence for Nie Yan. In the several seconds that he would be disabled, Shadow Killer could easily cut him down.

In an exchange between Thieves, even the slightest gap could mean the difference between life and death!

Nie Yan had fought hard for these two seconds provided by Death Immunity. He naturally wouldn't let this time go to waste. This was his only lifeline!

With all his active skills greyed out, Nie Yan couldn't possibly escape. His four Demonsmiths and Lil' Gold were more than 20 meters away. They couldn't come to his rescue in time either. His crowd control immunity skills were also limited. If he tried to trade skill for skill with Shadow Killer, he would definitely lose in the end. In the eyes of an ordinary person, the outcome of this battle was already a foregone conclusion.

From the moment the battle started, Nie Yan was on the backfoot. In this sort of situation, making a comeback was extremely difficult.

At this moment, Nie Yan ordered Lil' Gold to blast both him and Shadow Killer with Dragon Breath.

Dragon Breath was a small AoE magic with extremely high damage. Add this to Lil' Gold's already frighteningly high magic power, and it could pretty much instantly kill anyone. Furthermore, this attack didn't distinguish between enemy or ally. Even Nie Yan would be burnt to a crisp.

Scorching hot flames streaked through the air, carrying incredibly destructive power.

Shadow Killer noticed the Dragon Breath coming towards them. His heart trembled. He had witnessed these flames wipe out numerous players. Even he wasn't arrogant enough to think he could survive such an attack.

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