Chapter 544 - Death From Above (2)

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Nie Yan drew closer and closer. Just as the White Maned Griffon was about to level off its ascent, he activated the Crawler Ring and threw himself forward. His five fingers transformed into suction pads, sticking onto the griffon's back like a gecko.

The other riders gawked at this amazing feat, completely forgetting they were in a battle.

What kind of trickery was this!

From jumping off the Darkwing Dragon to landing on the White Maned Griffon's back, all of this had happened in an instant.

"Ghostvale, watch out!"

"Ghostvale! Behind you!"

However, the warnings came too late.

Nie Yan would never give Ghostvale the opportunity to react!

Ghostvale could've never imagined Nie Yan would appear behind him!

This was something out of a fantasy!

However, Nie Yan had actually pulled it off!

Ghostvale was confused. He had clearly evaded the Darkwing Dragon. Why were the others telling him to be careful?

Nie Yan pounced toward Ghostvale, Zennarde's Sword cleaving towards the Direwolf player's back.

Ghostvale suddenly sensed something off behind him. As he glanced back, he was greeted by the searing black flames from Zennarde's Sword. Both his hands were tightly clutching onto the White Maned Griffon. It was too late for him to grab his weapon, activate any skills, or evade!

The White Maned Griffon was still ascending in the air. If he let go of his hands, he would fall from the sky!

Shit, I'm done for. Ghostvale's pupils contracted as his face paled with fright. If he died, the White Maned Griffon would likely die as well!

However, it was already too late.

Nie Yan's blade cut deep into Ghostvale's back, blood gushing out in the air. It was an instant kill! Ghostvale's body went limp, falling off the White Maned Griffon's Back and spiralling down towards the ground.

"Skreeeeh!" The White Maned Griffon chased after Ghostvale's falling corpse.

If the rider died, the flying mount would return to the player's pet space in 20 seconds. Nie Yan naturally wouldn't let the White Maned Griffon off lightly!

Nie Yan suddenly lunged forth and stabbed the White Maned Griffon in the head with Zennarde's Sword.

As the White Maned Griffon let out a miserable screech while flailing wildly in the sky, a dark shadow loomed overhead. The Darkwing Dragon swooped down with its powerful claws and grabbed onto the White Maned Griffon's head. With a watery pop, the griffon's skull was crushed like a watermelon.

The Darkwing Dragon dug out a Life Core from the White Maned Griffon's head, then swallowed it with one gulp. With Nie Yan falling to the ground, it didn't stick around and quickly rushed over to pick up its rider.

The White Maned Griffon fell from the sky and crashed into the ground.

The entire course of events had only lasted 10 or so seconds. The Achlys Dragonfly and Wind Serpent didn't even have a chance to come to Ghostvale's aid.

Nie Yan swept his gaze over the two players riding on the Achlys Dragonfly and Wind Serpent.

Seeing Nie Yan's cold gaze, they felt a cold chill run down their spines, as if they were being eyed by a demon.

After the White Maned Griffon was torn apart, the thick smell of blood diffused into the air.

Everything that happened just now seemed like a nightmare, taking root deep in their minds. They had the urge to turn around and flee for their lives.

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