Chapter 455 - Slaves

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There were many types of slaves. Most of them had low or middle level intelligence. However, a very rare few were immensely talented and could handle any sort of task thrown at them. Some slaves could also fight in place of players with no combat ability, such as those who dedicated themselves to crafting professions.

Nie Yan wasn't looking for a combat slave. Slaves were different from summoned monsters. Their deaths were final, like regular NPC servants.

Nie Yan planned on purchasing three slaves to help with tasks in his shops that he no longer could be bothered to micromanage.

The slave market was filthy, with run-down tents set up everywhere and wooden cages lining both sides of the central path. The large cages contained NPCs, both old and young, with vacant and hopeless expressions in their eyes. Some of the stronger looking ones were additionally bound with ropes.

The burly guards brandished scary-looking whips. Even the most innocuous actions by the slaves would set them off in a flying rage, cursing and hollering as a distinct cracking sound and wails of pain filled the air.

Nie Yan looked visibly disgusted by the scene before him. Thinking about it, this was the cruelty of a fantasy world. Conviction presented a very stark reality before the players' eyes, making them question if everything they were taught to believe was really right.

This was the world of Conviction. All players were bound to its laws!

Nie Yan looked over the stats of the slaves. Most were average and mediocre, only capable of handling simple tasks. Some were well built with decent potential, allowing them to fight for their masters.

He continued to look around, peering through the cages on both sides of the path. He was looking for talented slaves, preferably ones with a unique ability.

"Sir, are you looking to purchase a slave? Mine are the best in the entire market!" A fat sweaty slave dealer approached Nie Yan. His beady eyes were squeezed into two slits by his fat. His bloated face jiggled and moved in a disgusting manner when he spoke.

Nie Yan frowned while he instinctively recoiled back. He was about to decline, when he saw a familiar face in one of the cages. It was the young boy from before, Collins!

Collins was with two other kids. One was a small girl with delicate features who looked to be around the same age. The other was an older boy who was maybe 15 years old. He had a tall and muscular build that made him suitable for combat.

After noticing Nie Yan, Collin's eyes lit up in joy and surprise.

"Sir, it's you!"

"How did you end up here?" Nie Yan asked in bewilderment. He had given Collins 1,000 gold. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have ended up in a cage being sold off as a slave.

"That nasty man, Berrik, caught me. He stole the gold you gave me and locked us up in here," Collins replied, glaring at the fat slave dealer standing next to Nie Yan.

"Don't believe this brat's lies. He's a street urchin and a dirty little thief." Berrick's eyes flashed with a cruel light. Once Nie Yan left, Collins was done for.

Nie Yan roughly understood the situation. However, all the slaves dealers here, including this Berrick, were at least Level 80 Elites.

"Sir, please get us out of here! We're willing to become your slaves and do anything for you," Collins pleaded. Nie Yan was his last sliver of hope.

Nie Yan recalled that buying slaves under these types of scenarios would result in higher loyalty, usually up to 90 or higher. Normally after purchasing a slave, the loyalty would be around 70. If the loyalty dropped below a certain threshold, the slave might turn on their master. The possibility was low, but it did exist.

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