Chapter 551 - Flawless Assassination!

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Nie Yan inched closer and closer to Crazy Magic, Shadow Killer, and the others. Still 50 meters away from them, he came to a stop.

After watching Crazy Magic, Shadow Killer, and the others chat for over an hour, Nie Yan couldn't wait any longer. He activated Disappear and approached closer to listen to their discussion. For a full 15 minutes, they talked about matters related to Asskickers United.

"The boss issued an order. Since you're not Nirvana Flame's match, you can switch targets to the other members of Asskickers United, like Undying Scoundrel, Painted Muslin, and so on," Crazy Magic said.

Nie Yan's expression flickered with surprise. He shifted his attention to Shadow Killer, wondering how this prideful assassin would react. Based on his understanding of Shadow Killer's disposition, he definitely wouldn't take kindly to someone saying he wasn't up to snuff. Crazy Magic's words would undoubtedly strike a nerve.

Shadow Killer's face was covered by a cloak. No one could see his expression.

"Until I kill Nirvana Flame, I won't go after any of those other small fries from Asskickers United," Shadow Killer responded, his voice containing a trace of anger.

"You think you can kill Nirvana Flame? What happened the last two times you tried to assassinate him? Did you forget?" Crazy Magic coldly harrumphed. He was displeased with Shadow Killer back talking him. In any case, he was a guild leader, while Shadow Killer was nothing more than a lowly hired hand.

"Either I kill Nirvana Flame or he kills me. As for the rest, they're not qualified," Shadow Killer said in a harsh tone.

"Y-you dare to go against the boss' orders!?" Crazy Magic shouted in anger.

"I've never listened to anyone's orders, including Cao Xu's! It's better if we go our separate ways," Shadow Killer said. He got up and left.

Crazy Magic sneered. What an ungrateful bastard!

Shadow Killer exited the main lobby.

Watching Shadow Killer's figure disappear into the corridor, Nie Yan sank into deep thought. It appeared the partnership between Shadow Killer and the Century Financial Group wasn't all that harmonious. This was his opportunity! If Shadow Killer was a graceful loser, he could attempt to lure him over to Asskickers United after killing him. Even if he failed to do this, he could still hire Shadow Killer's services. If Shadow Killer was a sore loser, however, at the very least he could make him follow through with their bet and assassinate three people for him. He would set people like Soaring Angel as the targets, causing Shadow Killer to have a falling out with the Century Financial Group and Angel Corps. At that time, even if he didn't take action against Shadow Killer, the Century Financial Group and Angel Corps would.

Nie Yan tailed Shadow Killer from a safe distance, leaving the main lobby.

King of the World, Sun, and the others were already here. Leaving Crazy Magic and Divine Flame to them should be fine. Given their strength, no problems would arise.

Nie Yan's target was Shadow Killer!

After leaving the lobby, Shadow Killer walked through the corridor toward the garden.

Did you locate Nirvana Flame?」Shadow Killer asked in his organization's voice chat.

Boss, Nirvana Flame disappeared. No one knows where he is,」a player called Hoss replied.

I'm guessing he probably went off to do some quest. That's why no one can find him,」another player called Show Hand chimed in.

Keep searching until you find him,」Shadow Killer said. Recalling Crazy Magic's previous words, he clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white, revealing the anger in his heart. This was the first time someone had looked down on him in such a way. He felt like his dignity was trampled on.

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