Chapter 482 - Netherthunder Eagle Takes Flight

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With cracking sounds, the egg started splintering open and out popped an eagle chick. It was still fairly small, but large enough to be held in Tang Yao's arms.

Nie Yan gazed at the Netherthunder Eagle. It looked like an ordinary eagle, except for its glossy, jet black feathers.

The Netherthunder Eagle spread its wings and started preening itself. Its sharp eyes were clear and limpid, sparkling with intelligence.

"I'm already taking a liking to this little fellow." Tang Yao scratched the Netherthunder Eagle. It appeared to be enjoying the feeling as it affectionately rubbed its head against his hand.

Tang Yao took out a slab of meat from his bag, something he normally fed to his Spectral Wolf, and held it out in front of the Netherthunder Eagle's beak. It pecked at the meat curiously, then swallowed it whole.

"It's still a chick right now. You'll have to wait a while for it to be fully grown," Nie Yan said. Since the Netherthunder Eagle was still quite small, it probably didn't have any combat strength. Tang Yao would have to wait for it to slowly mature.

"No, it can turn bigger and become a flying mount right now!"

"Really?" Nie Yan was surprised. Did flying mounts not have growth periods?

"Hold on. Let me keep looking at its stats," Tang Yao said. The amount of information in the Netherthunder Eagle's stat page was massive. It would take him a while to go through all of it. "The stats of the Netherthunder Eagle are pretty balanced. Dexterity increases its flying speed, and Strength increases its attack power. Which stat should I add?"

"That depends on what you want. I think as a Mage you should have the Netherthunder Eagle focus on Dexterity," Nie Yan advised. Tang Yao's damage was already unrivalled. Add that to the lightning speed of the Netherthunder Eagle, and he would become a superb aerial turret.

"Hmm... not a bad idea. I'll listen to you. Speed complimenting power."

"You should try experimenting yourself too. After all, I don't have any experience with flying mounts either," Nie Yan said. His knowledge of flying mounts in his past life was only in passing.

"Flying mounts are divided into nine ranks. Each rank will give an exponential boost in stats," Tang Yao said. He opened up the page on the official website about flying mounts and compared the information with the Netherthunder Eagle's stat page.

"What rank is the Netherthunder Eagle?" Nie Yan asked. He was completely clueless in this regard. Back when he assassinated Cao Xu, the flying mounts patch was still in its infancy. Very few players had them, and to the him of that time, they were unattainable existences.

"It's Rank 1. All recently hatched pets start out at Rank 1. In the future, its rank will slowly start to rise. Apparently I can increase the size of this Netherthunder Eagle on command. Let's head to the wilderness and see for ourselves," Tang Yao said. His knowledge on flying mounts was still shallow. He would have to slowly learn and familiarize himself with them.

"Alright, in a bit." Nie Yan suddenly recalled there was also a leaderboard for flying mounts. Every flying mount would automatically be registered into it, but the names of their owners wouldn't be shown. This leaderboard encompassed the whole Righteous Faction. He checked the leaderboard. Sure enough, Tang Yao's Netherthunder Eagle was there.

At present, it was the only flying mount on the leaderboard!

"Summoning a flying mount takes five minutes. Recalling it also takes five minutes. If it dies, you can't revive it unless you have a Resurrection Crystal," Tang Yao muttered. This rule was a bit frightening. If a flying mount died during combat, it would be incredibly difficult to revive. It would also be hard to recall when encountering danger.

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