Chapter 533 - Realm of Death!

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Nie Yan's impassioned speech set ablaze the crowd.

Nie Yan naturally didn't believe he was charismatic enough to have every single member of Asskickers United follow him blindly. What mattered was that they had a deep attachment to the guild. With so many close brothers around them, they would form an unbreakable link in the collective whole. Today, they had to win. On an occasion like this, everyone would rise together!

A dream alone wasn't enough to make the players devote themselves to Asskickers United, nor was it practical. Nie Yan provided them comprehensive protection as well as generous benefits.

Asskickers United's benefits were the highest among all guilds. When a player died in battle, not only would all their losses be compensated, but they would also receive additional rewards for every enemy killed. So, they didn't have to worry about dying. In addition, Asskickers United had the most comprehensive treasury. The equipment inside was far superior to that of other guilds. Not to mention, thanks to the income of the stronghold under their control, the players would receive a fixed monthly salary.

The generous benefits Asskickers United provided became a dream in the hearts of countless players. At the same time, the recruitment requirements for Asskickers United were extremely strict. Even the weakest members were in the top 1% of Conviction. Under these circumstances, simply being part of the guild was a form of glory in and of itself. This was another reason why players stayed in the guild.

It was thanks to all these things combined that Asskickers United achieved its current success and unity!

Nie Yan distributed the 12 Hyperlink Rings among Xie Yao, Tang Yao, and the others. Tang Yao's Netherthunder Eagle was still heavily injured, so it couldn't participate in the battle. However, Natural Fiend's Azure Wing Albatross could take part.

"Are we all ready? If so, let's set out and slaughter some Alliance of Mages bastards!" Nie Yan shouted.

"Yeah, let's slaughter those bastards with the boss!" the players from Asskickers United roared.

Following behind Nie Yan, they headed to the other side of the plaza like a surging tide.

Alliance of Mages' forces were gathered on the other side of the plaza, occupying a corner. Nie Yan received a report from Guo Huai. Alliance of Mages and Divine Protectors had put forth 1,200 and 800 of their top players respectively. Over on the side of the Century Financial Group, through various connections, they had recruited the help of 900 professional players, all of whom were top experts. Apart from this, Cao Xu had also dispatched 60 players from Direwolf. The final 40 came from Bloodfiends, the Century Financial Group paying an arm and a leg for their services.

Regarding the Bloodfiends, Nie Yan guessed they probably belonged to some enemy power of Asskickers United. They were entering the Realm of Death simply to stir up trouble.

As for Direwolf, Nie Yan only knew they were under the direct control of Cao Xu. Their strength wasn't to be underestimated. He would warn his guild members to be mindful of them.

Comparing both sides, Alliance of Mages probably had more top elites than Asskickers United. However, Nie Yan could see their weakness. The enemy was a group of individuals. If an order were to be passed down, not everyone might follow it. In terms of teamwork and synergy, Asskickers United absolutely had them beat.

Nie Yan headed to the edge of the plaza, where a white-haired old man in ragged robes stood. His eyes were glazed over, signifying that he was blind.

This old man was Karuhr, a famous NPC in the Hilton Stronghold. You had to talk to him to open the Realm of Death.

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