Chapter 506 - Troll Dillons

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Around 30 to 40 real world lenders operated in the Viridian and Satreen Empires. Very few had a capital of more than 1,000,000 gold. In fact, for an agency to have more than 300,000 gold was already considered good. They profited by collecting on the high interest rates from their loans.

Guo Huai went about contacting these loan agencies. Asskickers United was now a major power. It was a fairly simple matter to get a loan by using the income from their strongholds as collateral.

Before long, Guo Huai got in touch with more than 10 agencies and borrowed roughly 3,000,000 gold. He spent all of it on gems and runestones.

Nie Yan and the others had acquired roughly 40% of the gems in the market. The gems they bought were of high quality with excellent appreciation potential. He kept an especially close eye on Fire Resistance Gems, to the extent he planned on snatching up every last one of them. This was because several of the notable Level 60-70 dungeons required high fire resistance.

What do we do now?」Guo Huai asked.「There's still so many cheap gems for sale. We can't possibly swallow them all up. With no one else buying, how are the prices supposed to recover like this?

We need to do three things. One, clear up the rumour about there being a secret gem shop. Two, sell off the Fire Resistance Gems, start with the quality rating 5 ones. Set the price at 1,200 gold, not 1 gold lower! Three, sit back and wait. In a few days, the panic will wear off and the people dumping their gems will take down their listings. With the gems on the market becoming scarcer, the prices will go back up accordingly,」Nie Yan explained. He had long since planned everything out. If Fire Resistance Gems suddenly doubled in value while the prices of all other gems were still falling, players would certainly take notice. Those with even a tiny bit of market insight would realize something was wrong. If they were quick, they would also start rapidly gobbling up gems. Like this, all the gems in the market could be swept up. When the time came, those who hoarded would profit immensely while those who didn't could only watch on helplessly. Perhaps the prices of gems would increase to never before seen heights.

I'll get on it right away!」Guo Huai said.

In the next few days, use the income from the Starry Night Potion Shop, Union of Assassins, and strongholds to pay off the interest from the loans. Any surplus will be spent on buying gems. Pass on the information to our trustworthy guild members too. Have the wealthy ones start acquiring gems, quickly, or else they'll miss the chance forever. Also, keep contacting loan agencies. If any of them are willing to lend us even just a little bit more, take it. So long as the price of gems hasn't recovered, keep buying everything up,」Nie Yan said. Two-fifths of the gems in the Viridian and Satreen Empires were in his hands. If all these gems were sold after the prices recovered, he stood to make at least 20,000,000 gold, and this was his most conservative estimate!

What could 20,000,000 gold accomplish in Conviction? It was enough to buy up all the strongholds owned by Alliance of Mages and Divine Protectors combined. It was enough to buy 20 Central Calore Auction Houses. It was enough to tear down the Cripps Stronghold and build it back up anew 50 times over. It was enough to upgrade every branch of the Starry Night Potion Shop to Tier 16. Even the main shop was currently only Tier 10. It was enough to deck out all 60,000 players of Asskickers United with excellent gear and still have gold to spare!

With 20,000,000 gold, Asskickers United would make Alliance of Mages, Divine Protectors, and even Angel Corps look like poor beggars. Combined together, these three guilds likely only had around 7,000,000-8,000,000 gold at their immediate disposal right now.

Asskickers United had always been known as a wealthy guild. But even they only had 4,000,000 gold on hand at the best of times.

What troubled Nie Yan was that he had no idea how to spend the 20,000,000 gold. If he left it to sit in the treasury, it would most likely greatly depreciate after some time.

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