Chapter 431 - The Crushing Defeat of Victorious Return!

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From the early days of Conviction to now, Advanced Magic had gradually become more and more accessible, to the extent where they were even getting into the hands of ordinary players. Upstart ranked roughly within the top 100 Elementalists in Asskickers United. He wasn't a top player. But any Advanced Magic was extremely powerful, regardless of the caster.

The Armoured Catapult had already been enveloped by a blazing red haze. Only then did the players from Bloodlust Blades realize something was wrong.

"Stop him!"

"Cast Silence!"

One Paladin from Bloodlust Blades after another charged toward Upstart.

Lofty Shadow was at the front dealing with the enemy Fighters. Looking at the commotion in the team chat, he faintly smiled. "Upstart, that kid. Not bad!"

Seeing the Paladins from Bloodlust Blades charging over in his direction, gradually entering within a five-meter range of him, Lofty Shadow bellowed out with a deafening roar.

Demoralizing Shout!

All the surrounding players from Bloodlust Blades were stopped dead in their tracks. Although the effect of Demoralizing Shout wasn't powerful, what was so great about it was that it was an area-of-effect skill.

At the same time, an Elementalist in the back cast Whiteout. The area was blanketed by a layer of dense icy mist as the temperature plummeted by several degrees. Everyone within the influence of the spell, enemies and allies alike, had their movement speed reduced to a crawl.

The Mages in the back were willing to do anything to protect Upstart. They all had similar resolve. So long as they could destroy the Armoured Catapults, even sacrificing their fellow comrades in arms was acceptable. Because since the start of the war, the Armoured Catapults had killed over 9,000 players from Asskickers United, and indirectly led to the deaths of tens of thousands more. If it weren't for the Goblin Magic Cannon and Crypt Lord, the Cripps Stronghold would've long since fallen.

As such, the players of Asskickers United loathed these Armoured Catapults to the bottom of their hearts.

Bloodlust Blades, Alliance of Mages, Divine Protectors, and Angel Corps weren't guilds that Asskickers United was capable of contending with. Although Asskickers United had many elites with a decent pool of talent, and their potential for growth appeared limitless, even a guild with the most solid of foundations couldn't come out of so many successive wars unscathed. Though this might not be the case with skill, in terms of level and gear quality, the top elites in Asskickers United were now far inferior to their counterparts in Alliance of Mages, Divine Protectors, and Angel Corps. Some of the former elites, who Nie Yan originally had high hopes for, had dropped to Level 30-40 over the past several wars. For them to catch back up to the rest of the pack would be a herculean task. But before they even got a chance to recover, Asskickers United became embroiled in another war.

If it weren't for Nie Yan's enormous financial support and Asskickers United's unity, any other different guild would've long since withered away.

It would be very difficult for Asskickers United to get out of their current situation. If it were only Bloodlust Blades, there would be no problem. But gathered here today was the combined forces of four major guilds. Then add in weapons of mass death like the Armoured Catapults on top of this, and it was miracle Asskickers United hadn't been defeated already.

It was only the emergence of the Crypt Lord that had nullified the superiority of the Armoured Catapults, allowing the scales of victory to start tipping in Asskickers United's favour.

At this point, the players from Asskickers United only had one thing on their minds. If they destroyed the remaining two Armoured Catapults, then the war would already be half-won!

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