90. The End Of A Story

Start from the beginning

"You know I don't like it when you talk this way." You muttered. Discreetly magic started to gather at the tip of your fingers.

The murderous intent in his eyes dimmed yet not fading entirely. It was fluctuating under the surface, repressed by his want to respect your wish.

He roughly exhaled and a chilling resolve hardened his cold gaze. "I don't care about your fucking reasons. You're not leaving. I'll lock you up in a cage if you keep insisting on leaving."

You felt a chill go down your spine. He wasn't joking. The dangerous chilling look in his eyes proved he was dead serious.

You chewed the inside of your cheek as you looked at his cold expression and dark gaze.

"You know, I tried. I really did." You started. Claude's brows furrowed slightly hearing your weak whispers. "I tried my hardest to move on and forget the past."

Claude's face fell and his hands holding you trembled. "(Y/n).."

"I couldn't though." You laughed dryly. "Each time I thought I left it behind, it came back with vengeance. Now I know, I will never be set free from my past. It always will be with me." You let out a shaky breath as you cupped his face weakly with one hand and caressed his cheek. Your face crumbled as you looked into his eyes and saw the same demons haunting him as they haunted you. The darkness of the past had tinted the light in his eyes. "I never said a word because I didn't want you to carry the same burden. But now--"

Damn you, Celestria. You wanted to cry.

Your focus returned to Claude as you felt him shift under your hold.

Claude clicked his tongue, his eyes downcast and pained.

"The past isn't your burden to carry," He said in somber voice, refusing to let you believe the ridiculous notion of blaming yourself. He laced his fingers through yours and pressed his cheek against them as if seeking strength through your warmth. "I was the one who set in motion everything that happened. I was the perpetrator. I committed so many unforgivable sins. Then tell me, why, " Claude opened his eyes as Celestria's words rang painfully in his mind. "why should you be the one to suffer my sins? Why should you take responsibility for it? If anyone should repent for them, it's me. Not you."

"You have done more than enough to repent,"

"No. It's not enough," Claude whispered, shaking his head. "It's nowhere near enough."

You looked at him silently and lightly nodded. "..You're right. You've done some unforgivable stuff. And it will take a long time and hard work to repent for them. I'm not the only one you have to apologize to and ask forgiveness from. But," You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. You kissed the grimace creasing his forehead. "I will embrace all your sins, all your mistakes, all your flaws because you're the man I fell in love with and I don't regret any second of it."

Claude squeezed his eyes shut as his heart raced, a warm feelings stirring up, almost to the point of being painful. There was a reason why he kept falling in love with you each day despite how madly in love he already was. You never excused his behaviour. Never turned a blind eye to his mistakes. Instead, you pushed him to become a better man. Encouraged him to learn and grow. You always believed in him, in his goodness.

It was dangerous, Claude thought as he melted under your touch. It was dangerous to fall in love with someone to this extent.

Claude opened his eyes as he felt you smile against him.

"There are things you did that I hated. Things I resented you for." You said honestly and pressed your forehead against his as Claude stared into your eyes. There was no resentment, no hatred in your gaze. He could only see acceptance and love for him. He shuddered, eyes burning with unshed tears. "But more than that, there are so many things I'm thankful for. Because of you, I have so many beautiful memories. A beautiful child. A beautiful home and a beautiful man I love."

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now