"Thanks," I mumble, a little self conscious. "You don't look too shabby yourself."

She laughs at that and I grin, glad she's able to take a joke. We walk inside and make our way through the hall. Most of the students have made their way inside as well and the halls are crowded and bustling. Out of impulse, I drape my arm over Ripley's shoulder and pull her into my side so she doesn't get knocked into. We move side by side in comfortable silence stopping once we reach her locker. She unlocks it and starts to gather her things but she looks up at me with an odd expression.

"How did you get the flowers into my locker the other day?" She asks and I fidget slightly. I had forgotten about that entirely. After she had left the Hellfire Club room I felt as though my heart had shattered into a million pieces. Dustin had offered to try to find a sub at the middle school, still trying to save the campaign but I couldn't even think of D&D anymore. I went home and replayed my conversation with Ripley over and over in my head until finally I called Dustin and I laid everything at his feet. He just listened, letting me vent all of my frustration and then he told me that ultimately Ripley had agreed to sub so I wouldn't be disappointed about having to cancel. No strings attached, no payback required, no blackmail. All she asked was that they didn't let me be mean to her. And I had. I had been down right awful to her from the moment she set foot into the classroom and for no good reason.

I tossed and turned all night and when I finally did sleep I dreamt of a memory. Ripley and I laying in a meadow of forget me nots, our heads turned so we are facing one another. Her eyes a few shades darker then the flowers surrounding us. Our hands are an inch apart on the grass.

"Do you trust me?" She whispers, her voice slightly higher pitched in her youth and I scan her face. She looks at me so seriously, as though the world could stop in this moment and she wouldn't care.

"Always," I remember whispering back and her face breaks out into a smile, her hand finally closing the distance to take mine, making my skin tingle.

I had woken up, shaking and a little emotional. It was still early in the morning, too early to do much of anything. I threw a hoodie on and some shoes and left the trailer. I let my feet carry me to the meadow a little ways from the house and smiled to myself when I saw the wildflowers still growing there. I sank down and plucked some gathering them in my hands and heading home. I trimmed the ends and tied some string around the small bouquet, hoping she would remember their importance as well.

I got to school and found Nancy Wheeler, asking her which locker was Ripley's since she is typically in charge of showing around new kids. She gave me some push back, but after agreeing to chauffeur Mike and El out for a few weekends to give her a break, she gave the information up. Once I got to Ripley's locker I used a multiple of five and a quick equation to crack open her locker. I scribbled a note and left it along with the flowers and hoped she would know they were from me. I'm glad she did.

"Just an old trick of the trade," I say slyly and she rolls her eyes. I lean against the locker beside hers as I watch her. She's so pretty. I watch unashamedly as she tucks some of her hair behind her ear and rummages through her things. Her long lashes cast shadows over her cheeks and shield her eyes from view and she presses her lips together as she organizes her things. She finishes and turns suddenly with a breathtaking smile and my throat contracts on itself. I'm momentarily speechless, staring down at her as she shuts the locker with her supplies pressed to her chest.

"Ready?" She asks and I nod, still unable to find the words. She presses close to me as I walk her to the English hallway and I throw my arm over her again, glad to have her there.

"Hey you two," a voice calls from beside me and Ripley and I turn to see Robin approaching.

"Hey," Ripley answers happily and I smile at Robin in answer.

Believe It Or Not (An Eddie Munson Story)Where stories live. Discover now