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{Unknown POV]

Sitting at a table, staring at my plate. The contents are half-eaten. A sick feeling filled my stomach. Something bad is going to happen. The thought races through my head. My eyes darted around the room, jumping at every slight movement that could hold danger. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. My hand slipped down to the top of my boot where it housed a dagger in preparation.

Just in case, remember last time...

As if on cue the mess hall's doors burst open. "Fuck." That was all I managed to whisper.

The leader of our guild walks through the hall.

Shane. What's he doing here?

Removing my hand from the dagger and back to resting on my lap. A slight exaggeration, like always.

Heads from across the room shoot up, mouths open in shock. This NEVER happens he always sends someone in for him, unless it has to do with her...

Whispers fill the hall as our leader strides across the hall a destination obviously set in mind. My hands get clammy with sweat. What the fuck is going on?

He stands near the end of the mess hall, looking up at the ceiling rafters expectantly.

"Get down here." He growls. A girl no older than 16 falls down from the beams. She lands gracefully as if she simply took 2 steps down the stairs at once.

"What?" she says in a bored tone, her eyes dancing around the room, hands pocketed, where, no doubt, a blade lay.

Whispers of astonishment and fear rippled through the crowd. comments made like:

"How'd she do that?"

"Who is that?"

"They call her Reapers Echo."

"You know she's rumoured to be the best here at only 16?"

"Fuck, She's pretty. Aye?"

Pretty was an understatement, she was beautiful. 

Although I could never look at her romantically. 

I allowed my gaze to fall over her figure. Just by a glance, you could tell she was athletic, as shown by the stunt she pulled to get down here. She, no doubt, housed abs under the assassin fit she wore. Being no taller than 5 foot 2 she still held herself in a way that made her seem as if she was the only person worth recognizing in the world.

She wore typical assassins wear but on her, it looked as if the style was made for the girl. Showing off her body shape and features. While she still seemed comfortable wearing it.

 While she still seemed comfortable wearing it

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Her sea-green eyes were a sight to behold, still dancing around the room with amusement glinting through them doubtfully at the comments made.

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