"Don't you got to drive?"

"I'm not going to bet fucked up, I just need to settle my nerves, or I may throw up when I see him."

"Ry why you so bent?"

"Truth, is I don't even know myself"

"You don't like, like him, do you?"

"You're tripping, how do you think I can like him when I haven't seen him in a year and only heard from him the other night. Listen let me hit that I gotta get going."

He passed over and I hit it a couple times before I passed it back. I was right it started to settle my anxiety.

"Listen I'm gonna get out of here Joe said to be there by 6."

"Ry, listen if you need me for anything call, I'm on the way, no matter what or where. I will still bounce his ass down the block, that isn't going to change."

"I will, hey asshole I love you"

"Love you too, go have fun. I'm sure I won't see you to the morning."

I climbed in my car and cranked it, I sat for a few letting it warm up. It was an unusually cold day for April. I reached for the stereo; music will distract my mind on the drive to the arena. Of course, I hear the DJ who was airing live from where else, TD Arena. Well karma is just being a bitch today. I was 20 minutes into the drive when my phone went off with a text,

Joe: You're still coming right?

Ryder: Yeah, I'm on my way, left my dad's 20 minutes ago so I'll be there in like 15 minutes.

Joe: Earl said don't park in the garage, pull into where the buses are parked. He said if they give you a hard time to have them call him.

Ryder: Okay, where do I go after I park.?"

Joe: Come to the back entrance, ask for Earl, He knows who you are. He'll grab you and bring you where you need to go.

Ryder: and that is?

Joe: Backstage where else, we go on in an hour, by the time you get here I get to see you for maybe 10 minutes.

Ryder: I don't know Joe, I thought I was just coming to see the show, I kind of figured I was just finding out where my seat was and go there.

Joe: Ryder please, it's been like a year since I seen you, I'll be your best friend.

Ryder: I don't know.

Joe: Please, come on Ry, I gotta go and finish meet and greet they think I'm in the bathroom taking a piss, so I got to go.

Did I want to go backstage before they get on stage no, honestly, I thought for half a second just staying on the highway and heading back to my door and just not show up, let him feel what that feels like, I just couldn't.

Joe: Ryder?

Ryder: Fine...

Between texting and trying to focus on the road I pulled into the arena quicker than I could have even imagined. I pulled back where the buses were, no one even tried to stop me. I put the car in park and just sat there looking around at all the people, cars and tractor trailers all around and it was overwhelming. I must have zoned out because a knock on my window pulled me back. I cracked the window down a little.

"Excuse me Miss This area is reserved for artists and employee's"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm here as a guest of one of the artists."

"And you are, and what artist are you with?"

"I'm Ryder, I'm guest of Joe Mcintyre. He told me to pull in back here and to let anyone that may stop me to speak to Earl, I guess Earl is expecting me."

"Ok, one second miss."

I watched as he spoke into a little mic and his hand went to the earpiece in his hear as he listened to whoever was on the other end of the call. He turned around a second later and smiled.

"Ok Miss Reynold's if you want to follow me Earl will meet us inside, Joe is tied up still with the meet and greet. He asked that you be brought to Earl who will show you where your seat is and get your backstage all access badge, so you don't have any issues with security and what not well your here."

I slid out my car hitting the lock on the key fob before sliding them into my Jeans. I had to wipe my hands on my jeans they have begun to sweat and now my heart is racing. I know exactly how successful Joe had become but it didn't really click till I walked through the corridor backstage, and I heard the opening act and was able to get half a look at how many people where in the crowd and how much is going on and into pulling off the show. I found myself deep down proud that he accomplished this, that is all he ever wanted was to be able to entertain people. I was met at the end of the corridor by Earl, he instantly made me feel at ease. He quickly showed me to where I was sitting, front row center right in front of the stage. He rushed me back getting me my all-access pass and before I knew it, he brought me to a room off the side. I'm assuming this is where they all come too. It had tables lined with food, drinks and alcohol. He excused himself to finish what he needed to do before the show started. He told me to hang tight that they were finishing up and would be back in a couple minutes. I sat my leg bouncing, it's a nervous reaction. I watched the stage crew rush around and heard someone say 15 minutes till curtain. It suddenly became real when I heard the noise and Donnie walked in followed by the other guys. My back was facing them for a minute and then I heard 

"Ry Ry"

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