"I know. I was thinking the same thing." Doc said.

"But we got to do it now" Doc whispered.

"I don't want to think about things like this." 10k whispered. "I'm just tired" he continued.

"What are you and the love birds talking about?" Murphy asked. 

"Nothing, you know, just... precautions." Doc said.

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked when Tommy pulled zip ties out.

"We can't just let him turn. We need to restrain him." He tried to explain to her.

"What? No! No! Warren, tell them to stop." Lucy cried.

"Oh, he's crashing again. There he goes." Doc said. Murphy slumped over.

"I don't feel a pulse." I said.

"No. We have to save him." Lucy pleaded with Warren.

"I know what you're thinking, but-" Warren trailed off.

"I have to try!" Lusy cried.

"Lucy, don't." Warren yelled. Lucy bent down and bit Murphy's arm.

"I got a pulse." Doc said before Murphy jumped up and gasped for air. Murphy laid back down and his eyes fell closed.

"Bite him again. Bite him again." Warren said. Lucy did as she was told. Murphys eyes opened and looked up at 10k, who was holding a knife above his head.

"I'm not dead yet." Murphy said.

"No, you sure aren't." Warren said.

"Lucy, I think it's working. That Mad Z bite is looking better." Doc congratulated her.

"Somebody better shut up these Zs before we draw more of a crowd. Lieutenant?" Lilly said.

 "I'll go with you." 10k nodded to her.

"Need help?" Doc asked.

"Stay with Lucy and Warren, I'll go." I said before the two of us went to help Lilly.

"Yeah, in case Murphy needs help." Tommy said motioning to the blade he was handing Doc.

"Don't be a hero." Doc called after us.


"Are you guys okay?" Doc asked when we came back inside. All of us had blood on us.

"Just a little M and M." Lilly shrugged.

"M and M?" Doc asked.

"Mayhem and Mercy." Lilly answered.

"Where's Warren?" Tommy asked.

"That's a good question. She's on another one of her walkabouts." Murphy said.

"Something's wrong. We need to find her." Lucy said.

"She went out that door. Go see if she needs backup. I'm gonna stay here with Murphy and Lulu in case she comes back." Doc said.

"Roger." Lilly said sarcastically. I'm beginning to feel as though I don't really like her. Tommy and I passed Lucy to grab our stuff. Lucy grew older since we were gone.

"Damn, I'm the baby again" I cursed making Lucy smile. Doc laughed in the back and even Murphy gave a slight chuckle.


"Clear." Tommy said checking a room.

"What's that smell?" Lilly asked.

"Death?" I suggested.

"No, worse. I smell something living." She said. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk forwards. 

"Clear" I said clearing a room before we continued down the hallway.

All of a sudden a loud clank noise came from our right.

"This way." Tommy said, leading the way.

We walked into this room that had jars with various liquids in them.

"Left hands. Feet with and without toes. Assorted ears." Lilly named the contents.

"Human?" Tommy asked. My light hit a table of hands that moved.

"Zombie." I confirmed.

"That's appetizing." Lilly said looking at two zombies with no arms or legs on the operating slab.

"I don't know who's responsible for this, but I don't like them." Tommy said. I nodded my head.

"Roger that. Did the Lieutenant bring us here on purpose?" Lilly asked.

"If she did, it wasn't her idea." I muttered. Rattling noises came from somewhere.

"Wait, shh. Did you hear that?" Lilly asked.

"Yep." 10k said.

"What do you think it was?" She asked her voice giving away she was scared.

"Take your pick." I said before pressing on.

Wailing could be heard from behind us. We turned around and rushed in that area.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now