39 | Insecurities

Mulai dari awal


We walk out of the Restaurant, and Minho talks with Felix about hanging out again while the guys and I walk off the side— a cigarette in my hand as I stressfully smoke.

"Is something going on with Minho and you? Little trouble in paradise?" Chan chuckle and I blow out the smoke.

"Little? He's been testing my fucking patience lately"

"Why's that?"Changbin asks.

"After the whole Jae incident, we kinda argued and something from the past got brought up" I sigh, flicking the cigarette onto the floor "At first I understood why he was upset but as the days passed and how he distanced himself made me realize how fucking childish he's being"

"Is he?"

I look to chan "Yes..."

"You seem unsure"

I roll my eyes "I just don't understand why he's still this upset when I haven't done anything to show him I would hurt him like I use to"

"That's not really how insecurities work," Changbin says.

I furrow my brows, not understanding. "So I'm still in the wrong?"

"No, but you're not in the right either"

"What's taking y'all so long, are y'all kissing each other?" Felix says as he and Minho walk to the side of the restaurant where we were.

"Chan wanted to give me a little peck as congratulations," Changbin said playfully.

Chan pushes him lightly "Fuck off"

They all laugh but I was the only one who didn't "We're gonna go, y'all have a good night" Felix says, pulling Changbin away from us.

Chan looks between Minho and me, probably feeling the tension he chuckles nervously "Yeah, I'm gonna go too, goodnight"

"Night, I'll work on the schedule tomorrow," I told him and he nods before walking away.

I look to Minho who looks around the dark alleyway "Felix is super excited" He says lowly.

I nod "Yeah, Changbin's been talking about proposing for a while now" Minho nods "Come on, let's get home"

This is probably the most civil we've been since the argument but still, it hurt.


We walk through the door of the apartment and take off our shoes, Minho was quicker than me as he was already walking to the bedroom.

I sigh, knowing I needed to talk to him. Slowly, I walk to the room to notice Minho getting ready for bed—he draped his dress shirt over the chair in the corner and looks over to me as I walk in.

"Minho", his eyes were on me as I stood there "We need to talk"

Minho sighs and walks to the dresser where he starts taking off his jewelry "We need to talk or do you want to talk?"

"What's the difference?"

Minho turns to me "The difference is you either feel forced to fix things or you want to fix things and make things better" He crosses his arms over his expose chest "Now which one because I only have time for one"

I swallow harshly "I want to fix things, I want to understand you and I want to know how to make you believe that I'm not that same little boy that hurt you"

Minho's eyes dropped for a second "I know" His voice was soft, looking up at me "But I can't help myself from being so insecure"

I shook my head "I don't want that, I never want you to feel like that darling"

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang