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Eddie's POV:

"Maybe this will be the year you finally get a girlfriend," Gareth jokes and I back up and hold my hand to my chest offended. I hear a small gasp behind me and spin around. I nearly bumped into a girl with a tray of food and immediately feel like a prick. The cafeteria is filled wall to wall with students running around trying to get their lunch and meet up with friends. I really should pay more attention.

"Sorry," I say. "I didn't see you there."

She's an awfully tiny thing. If I had to guess she's probably no taller then 5' 3" on a good day. She's got long light blond hair and she's dressed all in pink, the color complimenting her soft complexion. When she looks up from readjusting her tray she has the most startling blue eyes I've ever seen. I'm hit with a sense of deja vu when I look at her and I get the feeling that I know her or at least I did. I furrow my brows slightly as her face falls and she looks up at with an odd expression.

"Eddie?" She asks and I'm taken aback. I guess I have met her before, but for the life of me I can't remember where. I see images in the back of my mind of her face smiling, laughing, crying but I can't figure out how I've seen them.

"Yea?" I ask, wary. Maybe I've suppressed the memory for a reason. Maybe we didn't get along. She definitely doesn't look like the kind of girl that would be kind to me.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be weird. You probably don't remember me. I'm Ripley Marro."

Once she says her name a million different memories spill forward and I remember her completely. How could I have forgotten? Ripley and I were inseparable all throughout elementary and middle school. She and I were best friends until she and her mom moved to North Carolina. Ripley is the first female friend I ever made. The first girl I played guitar for. The first girl I held hands with. The first girl I let into my life.

"I remember," I whisper, a lump caught in my throat. "How long has it been?"

"Three years," she says with a sad little smile. "We just moved back a few weeks ago."

"Back into Forest Hills?" I ask. I haven't seen anyone move in or out. I think I would have noticed, but she shakes her head and I slump slightly. Ripley glances behind me and I turn to see Robin Buckley and Max Mayfield waving frantically for her to join them and I sigh softly to myself.

"I should go," she says with an eager smile and I nod. "It was nice seeing you." 

"You too," I say stepping aside with a small bow to allow her to pass. I watch as she rejoins her friends. They excitedly jump up from their seats and hug her once she sets her tray down on the table. A throat clears from behind me and I turn to see Gareth, Dustin and Jeff grinning up at me and I sigh, sinking back down into my chair. 

"What was that?" Gareth asks, a mischievous grin on his face. Jeff leans over and whispers something in Dustin's ear and they chuckle together, their eyes flickering between Gareth and I. 

"What do you mean?" I ask, already annoyed. "I was just talking to her." 

"Sure," Gareth drawls, his voice dripping with skepticism. "And next you're gonna tell me she isn't your type either." 

I scoff and roll my eyes, refusing to look up from my bag of pretzels. "I don't have a type." 

Gareth lifts his hand and starts to count down on his fingertips, a thoughtful expression on his face. 

"Tanya Roberts from A View to A Kill, Heather Thomas from Fall Guy, Cherie Currie from The Runaways, Ripley Marro, Chrissy Cunningham." 

"Alright, Alright," I groan, grabbing his hand and slamming it down onto the table making my friends snicker. I look around to make sure no one overheard him and thankfully it looks like no one was listening. I pinch the bridge of my nose and squint my eyes shut. I realize with all the noise of the cafeteria they hadn't actually heard my conversation with Ripley and I debate on whether or not I should make this harder on myself. I know the truth will come out eventually so with a sigh I lay my hands flat on the table and gaze at each of them, annoyance clear on my face. 

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