"No one's listening to me." Aiko scoffed, laying back into her seat. 

"Don't worry, you'll get use to it." (y/n) comforted the woman and gave her a smile, one that she reciprocated back. 

"Here's my expert opinion on someone who's been busted once or twice. A person like fake Dr. Smith needs to be confronted face-to-face. You look her in the eye and you dare her to lie again-Hey what did I just say."

Judy ignored his words and snatched the radio from his hands. "C-11 to Jupiter 2. is anybody there?" No reply so she tried again. "C-11 to Jupiter 2. Are you there mom?"

"Jupiter 2 to C-11. Hello Judy." It was fake Dr. Smith.

Judy and Don were silently arguing with each other as their mouths were moving but no sounds came out. 

"It's Dr. Smith." 

"Yeah, I know who you are."

"Is everything alright?" 

"We're great. Can you put my mom on, please?"

"Her door's closed. Would you like me to leaver her a message?" 

"No, I'll tell her myself. Thank you-" Don reached back for the radio and put it back in it's place, ending the call.

"For someone so smart, you are a terrible liar Judy." (y/n) snickered, earning a glare from the older girl. 

"I agree with the kid in the back, could you be anymore suspicious?" Don asked, disbelief dripping in his tone.

"She's been staying in our Jupiter, eating at our table with us. I even loaned her moisturizer!" Judy was enraged at the woman, but that didn't make it any less funny for the other three.

Don smiled, trying to contain his laughter while looking at the two in the back—who were also hiding their laughter.

"Really? You think that's funny?"


"What if she tries something." 

"Relax, your mom can handle any version of Doctor Smith." 

"Besides, robot's there to protect them so I'm sure everything's fine Judy." Judy smiled at the young girl before turning her head back to the front, missing the way that (y/n)'s face dropped and a shiver went down her spine.

Minutes passed before they were greeted again with the flat land that was exploding gasses. 

"Well, we're not going back this way." Don stated, hands on his hips.

"There's only one way we can go." Victor sighed, already dreading for what's to come.

There they waited, making sure to correctly time the explosives before making it across safely. 

3 minutes and 27 seconds

"It's remarkably predictable." Aiko said, continuing to look at the device on her wrist.

"It's better than Old Faithful." Evan said, watching the land continue to explode through his binoculars. 

"So, intervals between eruptions gives us 3 minutes and 27 seconds to get across. Top speed of the Chariot is... we can't go at top speed, we're lugging 3,000 gallons of fuel, which weighs, conservatively 9,000 pounds. That'll be what, 35 miles an hour to go how far?" Don calculated loud. For someone who acts like an idiot, Don was exceptionally smart when it came to mathematical terms.

"1.78 miles." Evan answered to which Don repeated under his breath.

"We don't have a choice." Victor sighed again.

"It's gonna be tight." Heading back to the Chariots, all of them only hoped for the best.

Parking at the edge of the eruptions, everyone was waiting for it to stop. And when it did, both Chariots raced to the end.

Don and Peter drove as fast as they could, stepping on the gas pedal as Aiko counted down.

"3 minutes left!"

They were driving well until Jupiter 4 began to hear metal sounds from behind them. 

"What is it?" Victor asked.

Peter looked around at his controls. "My brakes are seizing up."

At the other Chariot, Don noticed that something was wrong. "Why are they slowing down?"

Judy saw the problem and radioed them. "Hey, your control cable's loose, I can see it from here."

"2 minutes 30 seconds."

"They're not gonna make it at that pace!" (y/n) said, looking over to see Evan climbing out of the emergency hatch and making his way towards the tank.

"Evan be careful please." Judy begged.

"2 minutes!"

"Dude, I'm a surfer."

"1 minute 30 seconds."

A bump of the Chariot caused Jupiter to lose his grip and hanging on to the tank but he was luckily able to make it back on.

"1 minute, we have to go faster."

"45 seconds!"

Within a few tries, Evan was able to grab the cable and plug it back, allowing the Chariot to drive at it's full speed.

"30 seconds!"

Evan made a thumbs out and sighed in relief. 

"15! We're almost clear."

"5, 4, 3, 2-" The tremors started up again, one exploding right under Chariot 2.

"No! No! Where'd he go!" Judy panicked, not seeing Evan anywhere. Don slammed on the brakes as they all rushed out to check on the other Chariot. 

Once they did, they ran over to see Evan. 

He was stuck under the tank.


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