"Still funny to you kid?" The man smirked, continuing to mess her hair up.

"Yes- I mean no!" The girl cried out, trying to pry his hands away from her head to no avail. 

"Try again." Don sang.

"Okay, okay! I apologize, the great and honorable Don West does not deserve to be treated as a peasant!" The girl whined, sighing in relief when the arm around her neck disappeared.  Though she scowled once she felt the state of her hair. 

"Your welcome kid." The man teased, laughing out loudly. 


The crew were able to attach cables onto the Jupiter for extra, weight. Now all they had to do was wait for the fuel to be full transferred and hope that no issues would be caused.

As Judy and Evan sat on the driver's seat of the Chariot, they continued to push the gas pedal to equalize the weight.

"How's your foot? Getting tired yet?" Don screamed over the sound of the engine,

"Not tired enough to keep me from kicking your ass when this is over." Judy sassed, not giving Don more then a glance.

"Can we just skip this? Go back to the part where we're friends again?" 

Before Judy could come up with a response, Peter had some words to say to Don.

"West, I don't know how much longer these are going to hold. Go inside and tell Aiko we need to disconnect now while we still can."

"Aye, aye captain." Don saluted. "We're not done yet." He signaled a finger between himself the girl.

"Pretty sure we are." Judy replied back.

"West let's go!" Peter yelled.

As the man left, Evan, who was in the other Chariot, called out to her. "You okay in there?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I'm not sure how much more I got. Engine's running high."

"Just hold on okay! Don's pulling everyone out."

Minutes passed as Aiko and Diane made their way out of the Jupiter. The spaceship was beginning to fall off the edge and the Chariots could only do so much to prevent it from happening. As (y/n) helped Aiko and Diane replace the tube, she could hear Peter radioing the Chariots. 

"We're losing the Jupiter, prepare to detach. We need to do it simultaneously."

"What? But Don's still in there!" The young girl argued. 

Peter ignored the girl and continued. "Detach on three! One, two, three! Detach!" 

Chariot four was able to detach successfully but Chariot eleven didn't. Judy refused to detach while Don was still inside the Jupiter.

"Judy, what the hell are you doing!"


"West is inside! Don I can't hold it!" Judy yelled, struggling as the Chariot was being dragged along the rocks by the Jupiter.

"You need to detach now Judy!" Don radioed. 


"I'll do it for you!"

"Don, no!" 

The cable that was suppose to be attached to the Jupiter flew off, bouncing back to the Chariot. They all had to watch as the Jupiter was unable to defy gravity, and fall off the cliff with Don inside. 

Running towards the Judy and (y/n) tried to spot a sign of Don, but sadly, there wasn't any. 

Judy panted. "No, he-he detached it on his own." Sensing the panic, (y/n) wrapped her arms around the older girl with tears in her eyes as Judy hugged back.

"He sacrificed for all of us." Victor said solemnly, looking down at the abyss down below. 

"Are you crazy? I don't even like you guys." A voice grunted, barely hanging on to the rocks. Turning towards the voice, they saw the orange jumpsuit man, Don. 

As Aiko, Judy and (y/n) took his hand and helped him out, Victor stood there in confusion. "West?"

"See, I knew she was too much of a goody-goody to di herself. And frankly, I was tired of getting yelled at and blamed. I don't wanna have to be responsible for the Chariot going over-" He was interrupted when the (h/c) haired girl tackled him into a hug. He had to step back a few steps in order to not fall off. 

"I'm glad you're okay." The girl mumbled into his jacket.

Don smiled softly at the girl and awkwardly patted her back. 

"B-But you were... how did?" Jud stuttered out, still not over that Don was somehow okay.

"Cause I'm a badass princess." Don cockily replied. 

Letting go from the hug, (y/n) laughed at his words while Judy did as well. "You're a badass princess."

"What?" Everyone started chuckling, letting the tension ease up. "No, no, no. There's a comma. You know, I'm a badass comma princess-"

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say." 

The rest of the group walked away, leaving Don to sarcastic yell. "Your welcome by the way."

Judy turned back with a small smile. 

"Thank you."


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