Book 1 | Ch. 1 - The Story Of The Fallen Star

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This is the tale of an extraordinary man who is more than willing to do what it takes to get what he was robbed of to the point of insanity looming just over him staring with animosity. He would always use his overwhelming strength and determination to completely eradicate those he deems his foe. The man in question who is capable of such feats is a war hero who chose the quiet life over anything else. His name or at least what those call him is known to be 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧 or Hunter ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕖.

 Our veteran's tale starts off tragic as a thunderstorm across the skies above with lightning raining down to the overworld which is more formally known as Earth. Dark and cold as freezing ice the moon was at it's absolute peak signaling midnight with a figure coming into view atop a small hill right on the edge. Snow creeped down hitting the already building up snow around the land. Everything nearby etched in white flakes showing that this hero lived inside a snowy forest. His legs dangled from the hill he was sitting at getting a long look at the scenery just ahead of him. Stars illuminated the skies almost watching over him with the darkness above even that staring at the rest. He had blue wavy hair that was long enough to cover both his ears entirely with ruby eyes of doom for eyeballs. That wasn't the end though his eyes carried a mesmerizing cosmic background just behind the iris seemingly revealing a galaxy suppressed inside his cosmic gaze. His body was well-built, muscular with hints of scarring from the openings of his clothes when revealed. He was taller than most men being right at six foot five with a gloomy expression on his face. The clothes he wore very much fit the setting as it was freezing where he was. A bear coat, gloves, and boots with either brown or grey as the colors of the clothes. The very first thing he does is take out a book of sort and opens it up from the top using just one of his hands with the other reaching into his pocket and taking out a pen to write which was not a book but a diary. With a depressing glare that would melt the hearts of many he wrote gently scribbling down a small story to say the least. The diary looked old, run down and yet it still was holding on strongly. This story name is shown to be..

 "𝓜𝔂 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝓙𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓮𝔂."

 The only thing to help him write in the cold night of the forest was the moon's light keeping him from stopping there. Shockingly for each words written down on the page he was placing his thoughts on a tear would fall down toward the snow from face. In grief he reaches once more but this time behind him taking out a photo from his back pocket showing a woman presumably to be his lover. Without muttering a single word Hunter removes himself away from the portrait placing it back to where he had it originally. He wrote on the diary till his emotions could no longer take it and proceeded to put it back where he had it. Finally he took a stand removing his legs from dangling on the hill he was on and marched down the hill leaving the light of the moon. The tree's hid his presence from the moon as he was encompassed all around by the greenery covered in snow. Eventually he reached a certain point inside the forest he spoke for the first time with a sad tone.

 "Ice Forest.. I've returned again."

 It was as if he had done something like that before and was well accustomed to the place. He strolled onward following a path that had already been paved with detail. Each step taken gave off a crinkle sound or the feeling of stepping in sand as he showed no concern until he spotted a large well constructed log cabin. He brazenly entered as if it was his own abode and carefully cleared each section of the home until he knew there was nothing inside the place that he found dangerous.

 "Nothing once again.. I think it's time I start to travel farther away from the area."

 He scurried over to a wool woven surface which was clearly the bed he slept on which looked terrible to even lay on but nonetheless he plopped himself onto it without care and slowly dozed off till he shut down for the night. From there the story begins to be set in stone with another ready to change the fates of others. In fact it was three instead of only a single person. Once morning hit the focus shifted over to three boys inside a fairly large sized establishment. The inside was well cleaned but old most likely to how long the place had been around for. A bell had rung as children from different rooms scurried out and into the main lobby area as if it was a daily occurrence. A woman in plain clothes scolded the children reminding them they needed to play nice if they wished to eat well and not to be sickly in the future. The kids ranged from three years of age all the way up to fifteen. With the oldest kids being out of place due to the situation. The place they resided in was an orphanage where children were either abandoned or forgotten. Truly sad but that is how the world is, despicable. While breakfast was served the children showed little manners chowing on their food as if it was their last. The woman kindly told a simple children's tale about the world itself as the kids swallowed their food with great speeds.

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