CH:129{At Everything's End}

Start from the beginning

"Ah...I's really my child..." Gorou said, still in disbelief.

Miki wiped her eyes with her free hand as she lied in bed the child suckling her. "Yes, it's the baby of you and took eight years." She said as she handed the baby off to Gorou.

Gorou smiled with tears rolling down his eyes. "...It's nice to meet you,I...I'm your father." The baby's eyes met Gorou's and his tears intensified as he continued to smile. "Thank you, that you were born...really...thank you!"

"Gorou, have we decided on a name?" Miki asked.

"How about Issei? That embodies the hope that he will be able to live an honest life." Gorou said.

"My dear, that isn't very creative." Miki scolded playfully while tired.

"W-Well!" Gorou said. "That was all I could think of after we tried so hard!"

"Relax. I wasn't scolding you for it...Issei...that has a good sound to it. Issei, my child." Miki said.

"Our child Issei..."

Issei felt the warmth of Gorou and Miki hugging him. Issei remembered that at night his Dad would read him picture books when he couldn't sleep. When the animals were sad and when he read a sad story. When he was in the ER with a high fever. Gorou had ended his trip early to hurry back as quickly as he could. "In primary school I ran together with Dad in the three legged race, yet we only made third place. " Issei thought as a memory flashed by of Gorou, Miki and Issei eating fried chicken and tamagoyaki together.

"On Father's day, I remember buying Dad a rather cheap tie, and on Mother's day I gave Mom a floral apron from home ec class, but the two of theme still treasured those. I could see it" Issei thought.

The last scene was Issei on the verge of tears. He was standing alone in a department store. Issei was attracted by a strange item. However Miki and Gorou had went onward, thinking Issei was still with them. However Issei didn't cry, or at least tried not to. He decided to stand at the clock tower and wait.

Eventually Gorou and Miki did find him and immediately embraced him. "Hey Issei, you worried me to death!" Miki said.

"Hey, Issei! Didn't we say that you shouldn't leave our side? !" Gorou scolded.

"I'm sooooorry! I'm soooooorrrrry!"

"..." While he was battling Ragnarok. Kenshin felt an influx of memories. It had been after he had saved Konoka when he was younger and being possessed by Ryuujin's Avarice and at the time, the powers of Yama, the Shinigami. "D-Dad why are you yelling at me? !"

"I'm sorry Kenshin, but you could have gotten killed! I'm just worried about you!" Ryuushin said.

"But Kono-Chan was in danger! I saw strange men running off with her!" Kenshin complained.

"Aah..." Ryuushin paused before reaching over and petting Kenshin's head as Yukari looked on impassively. Having just been saved from Hottan Ialda a couple of days ago. . "Kenshin. You were very brave, but please don't do that if you don't have to ever again."

"O-Ok." Kenshin said.

"Why am I remembering this?" Kenshin thought before glancing at Issei, who still had a crimson aura surrounding him. "Aah, I see, it's through our shared connection between Ophis and Great Red and the Boosted Gear."

Back with Issei he was crying. "Although their lineage wasn't special, nor were you wealthy, I was the child which you two endured and struggled to finally have. You've thought I was dead for months, but I'm not! I am still Hyoudou Issei!"

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