Retake the Soul

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"Jungwon please!" She fell on her knees, kissing up to his shoes as she brought her hands together, "Spare me, please!" Knowing how powerful Satan can be once he's mad, Ningning is begging for mercy.

Jungwon crouches down in front of her, "Ningning, I'm not here to hurt you. We're here to bring my brother back."

"What?" She seeks to clarify if she's hearing it right.

"Listen, Ning..." Jay pulls Jungwon's forearm and stops him in his tracks before he can finish.

"Can we talk?" Jay asks. Jungwon gives Ningning a quick glance before lending his ears to Jay, proceeding to turn their backs against her.

Jay then gave his concern, "Are you sure about this? Persuading your queen instead of sticking with the plan?"

"What about it, Jay?"

"You're trusting her again like she didn't just shove thorns up your ass." He pauses, attempting to maintain his composure, "All I'm trying to say is, I don't want you to get hurt again. I know she was your friend, but she's also the demon that caused this destruction, that caused you destruction."

In spite of all the warm memories he has of Ningning, Jungwon must never forget that she only befriended him for one reason: to have a chance to exact revenge on him.

And now as she seeks for mercy, the sudden change of attitude appears to be a set up. A trick, another deception for Jungwon to fall for.


With vengeance taking over his blood, Riki wanders around the capital in search of a particular Archangel. Walking amongst the crooked streets and inhaling the toxifying smoke puffing out of broken vehicles, he only came here for one thing.

He was assigned to take the Flaming Sword out of Michael's possession as it is known to cause a greater threat and a barrier to their plan.

The thought of Michael beating Lucifer in a battle once, and him and Jake not standing a chance against him discourages him a bit. Even Lucifer couldn't beat Michael, Riki doubts he can even lay a hand on him.

He stops his steps after hearing a pair of wings flap from above. A sinister presence has occurred.

"Oh, Belphegor, you came here all alone." Michael's voice was distinct, yet he hasn't shown up.

"Where are you? Are you too much of a coward to show up?" Riki challenges him while looking for his opponent.

"You had the guts to come back here, after what happened to Beelzebub."

Riki froze in his place once Sunoo was mentioned, "What?" The entire scene unexpectedly altered to portray Riki trapped in a never-ending, pitch-black nothingness.

'He's in my mind. He's planning on playing tricks inside this skull. I already know your tricks, Michael.' Riki is aware of Michael's ability to manipulate his mind. And it appears like it is happening now.

Then, a familiar scene was illuminated by a spotlight in his radius. Riki was bound to see the same tragic scene yet again.

His eyes tremble as he observes what Michael wants him to see. He can't bear to watch Sunoo suffer once again.

"Your friend tried being the hero by saving you from me. But, little did he know, as his horns stab my gut, I was able to pierce his mortal heart with my Flaming Sword." Michael laughs ominously as he recounts what exactly happened during Sunoo's final moments through a live action portrayal.

"You killed him...?" It was all clear to him now.

"If my explanation wasn't clear enough then yes, Belphegor. I killed him." Michael clarifies.

Riki grows even more outraged as he watches the cold water run past his feet, representing the storming emotion he is current feeling, "And you call yourself an angel? You just killed a mortal! You killed Sunoo!"

"Can't you see? He only died if it wasn't for you! You and your brothers left Hell all because you were irresponsible. Now, Beelzebub perishes in Hell. And whose fault is that?"

"Shut up!" Riki was roused by it enough. He shouts at the top of his lungs, prompting the illusion to disintegrate in front of him. He is now back in Seoul and free of Michael's spell.

Riki can finally see him. He can see Michael standing before him, shocked to see Riki's capability to break the illusion.

"Do you intend to test my tenacity? Belphegor, feel free to proceed. If you want to fail miserably once more, I won't stop you." Michael unleashes his Flaming Sword, but this doesn't faze Riki one bit.

This doesn't scare him.


Jake and Heesung returned to the spot where Jungwon had sent Sunoo's soul back down to Hell. Visiting their brother's grave is something that plays with their heartstrings.

It's like his presence is still there.

"This will work, right?" Jake asks while looking at Sunoo's grave.

Heesung nods to assure him, "It's all up to you, Jake." Jake nods back and prepares for the ritual he is about to perform.

With a snap of his fingers, the red pen used to print the Dokkaebi Signature appears between his hands. He will use the red pen to cast the iconic circle with a star in the center as he chants the Blood of The Fallen's song.


Leviathan, who is aware that his brothers have returned, overheard this from a mile away when Jake separates his lips to chant.

"They're here... they have figured it out..." He felt relieved his brothers had returned, but not for the reason he expected. He thought his brothers came back with minds agreeing with his ideals, yet they are back...

"They're back to stop me." Now that he has come this far, Sunghoon must defend the task he has begun. He then rose from the ground and took to the air, flying all the way to the source of the chants.


Heesung anticipated his arrival, and so he looked up at the bloody sky to see Leviathan screeching as it landed on top of a building.

"Brother, what is the point of trying to stop me?! You know I'm doing the right thing." Sunghoon says, still standing by his belief.

"Leviathan, do you really think what you're doing is right? People lost their families and friends because of this chaos and you think you're right?" Heesung snapped some sense into him.

"You don't understand! This is all for you! For my brothers! Don't you miss our home after being away from it for five years?"

"Leviathan please--"

"Too late! You can't change me now. There is nothing that can change me." He raises his foot and begins stomping on the ground, causing Jake to mess up his chant.

Heesung gets a hold of Jake to keep his balance, "Keep chanting. I'll take care of him."

"Lucifer, what will you do?" Jake questions as he feels Heesung's strong will to stop Sunghoon.

"I'll show him what a real king looks like. He better bow down." Lucifer finally released his full potential after holding back his true might for an excessive amount of time. Transforming into a colossal fire-breathing dragon, comparable to Leviathan's size.

The same dragon who has been vanquished by Michael the Archangel in the War in Heaven will triumph over Leviathan in the Retake of the Soul.


a/n: let my boi jake chant in peace pls and i knaur i missed a monday update but that's becuz school is yes very yes

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