His Manifesto

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Bewildered by the troublesome souls, Heesung seeks the reason why they have been misbehaving. Not once in his reign in Hell has he ever witnessed this. He used to give one command and every other living-creature in Hell follows, but it all turned on him.

"Don't make me repeat myself." Heesung says as he stares down at the souls ahead of him. The black souls squiggle around the air, waiting for his attack.

"Lucifer, I urge you not to linger. Give us what God gave you. Ah right, He gave you nothing but misery and suffering, humiliated you in front of every Archangel on Heaven by sending you down here!" He refuses to let their mockery of his former way of life slow him down.

Heesung positions himself for a strike and maintains a combat stance while the souls anticipate his next move.

The souls steered away as he flew to them, but they were dismayed to discover that he wasn't charging at them to assault but rather dove into the pit of scorching souls.

"He's heading towards our prison! Quickly! Get him away from there!" Monsters and demons race after Heesung as he plunges deeper into the pits, finding a prison within, complete with prisoners bashing on the iron bars with rage.

He looks through each and every cell in the hopes of finding Jay. While doing so, he resists being attacked by the monsters by orbiting the cell like a mosquito inside a lightbulb, making it difficult for them to seize him.

"Get over here, you unworthy prince!" One of the monster curses at him.

"Unworthy prince, you say?" Heesung repeats the assertion from the monster that he believes to be bullshit before turning to face the demons that are after him and flinging poison-tinted spikes their way. As the spikes pierced their skin, the poison slowly seeped into their veins which caused them to slow down.

"How's that for unworthy?" Heesung sighs, feeling relieved no monsters are trailing him from behind anymore. He flies around the prison, double-checking every cell once more. And then, his eyes stop at a familiar man behind the bars.

"Jay! Thank goodness you're..." Heesung lingers, noticing that Jay doesn't look like the Jay he is familiar with. His posture tells him he is drained, and his face glows with gloom, "Okay... you're not okay, are you?"

In fact, Heesung wonders why he hasn't attempted escaping yet, given that Mammon's demon form can certainly take down the prison all by himself, yet Jay let's himself stay inside one of the cells.

"Lucifer, it's over. If I hadn't let my guard down, this would've happened." Jay spurts out, hinting the resentment he's current feeling in the tone of his voice.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you what he's talking about."

Heesung knows that voice, 'Michael...' He turns around and there he sees Michael the Archangel, in the flesh, heading down the prison to face his brother, Lucifer.

"What are you doing in Hell? No, let me rephrase that, what are you trying to do, Michael? Opening the gates of Hell, unsettling the people of Earth, and now brainwashing the inhabitants of Hell into believing that we are not the princes who formerly ruled this land?" Heesung charges towards him, holding a dagger against his brother's throat, "Tell me what's your motive."

Even having a knife against his throat, Michael remains calm, "Actually, you might want to ask one of your brothers that."

"What?" Heesung loosens his grip.

"You, Lee Heesung, a detective under the Korean government, it was disappointing to see you let this get under your nose." Michael shoved Heesung off of him harshly.

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