The Last Supper

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After realizing the chaos erupting before him, Heesung is struggling to preserve his composure. With his head held high and bearing the antithesis of Heesung, Michael soars over to the perplexed prince. He gave Lucifer a pat on the shoulder before saying,

"What's with the long face, brother? I suggest keeping a grin while you're at Leviathan's dinner party. He'll explain everything if you comply." Michael opens Jay's cell door with a flick of a finger, but he won't even try to leave.

"I doubt that whatever he's doing is for something reasonable." Heesung says while clenching his fists and suppressing his rage.

Michael looks back at him, "He's right, all you other princes are foolish enough to ignore the red signs flashing on your faces. He'll definitely teach you all a lesson."

"The only celestial that needs to be taught a lesson is you!" Jay advances towards Michael, transforming to his demon form as he attempts for an attack.

The Archangel strikes out with his fire-emitting sword and his Lance in reaction to Mammon's abrupt outburst.

"Mammon! Don't go any closer! That's the Lance of Michael, it was used to..." Heesung stops himself as he remembers the day he fell on his kingdom.

"Lucifer is highly familiar with this weapon. I've defeated him using this during the War in Heaven. So if you don't want to end up the same as him, back away." Michael points his Lance in Jay's direction. Mammon shifted back to his human form, doubting that he isn't powerful enough to go up against Michael.

"Now, with this flaming sword, it shall be able to take you to Leviathan's dinner party on time." Michael uses his sword and forges a gate that beckons them to go through. Michael insisted on bringing them inside even though it was unclear where the newly formed gate would lead them.


Government soldiers approach Riki and Sunoo as they surround the two princes, who are currently thinking of a plan to escape the precarious situation they find themselves in.

"We mean no harm. We are ordering you to cooperate and hand over the evidence where it's safe." Soobin instructs.

Sunoo turns back at the armed men before turning to look at Riki. He moves forward, causing the government to raise their firearms in his way.

"What are you doing?" Riki questions him in a semi-whisper.

"We appreciate your contribution to the country and help us citizens live a peaceful life, but take a look around you, monsters and demons have escaped through the Underworld. Is this evidence more important than the lives of your people?" Sunoo slapped them with the reality they were too blind to see.

The soldiers slowly brought down their rifles after realizing what state they are in.

"M-monsters...? They exist?" All of them are now in a state of panic.

"My family! I have a family at home!" A soldier was about to leave the scene until Yeonjun stops him.

"After all the training you did and you decided to run away?" Yeonjun questions him.

"You don't understand, Detective Choi. My family is in danger and it's all your fault for focusing on some mere evidence and ignoring the fact that chaos is brewing in the background!"

Yeonjun fluttered his eyes, before loosening his grip on the soldier's vest.

But all of a sudden, a monster came from beneath them, causing them to launch off of the ground. Yeonjun gets seized by the enormous, snarling monster because he was too slow to flee from his sight.

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