Ice Cream and Cigarettes

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After the heated exchange between Heesung and Sunghoon, Jungwon seeks to soothe Leviathan as the rest of the prince lead themselves to their respective homes.

As the sun slowly rose from the horizon, Sunghoon and Jungwon remained in front of Mr. M's building and resumed their chat.

"You've been a bounty hunter this whole time?" Jungwon asks.

Sunghoon nods to this, "I-I never enjoyed the job. It was painful. It showed me how vicious humans can be, willing to do anything to get their way. I had faith that there was still good in the world, but now that I realize how wrong I was, how wrong Heesung was, I just... I lost faith. I sincerely regret what I did to Heesung, he didn't deserve that." He choked on some of the words as he tries stopping himself from breaking.

Jungwon pats his back, "It's going to be okay. I'm sure Heesung would understand why you acted that way, judging from the look on his face, he resents it. Dongseok's death crushed his spirit every single second. It's something he doesn't allow himself to forgive."

Sunghoon smiled at him, "Right. I'm sorry that you have see me like this."

"It's fine, we're brothers after all. We're here for each other." Jungwon exchanges his smile.

"Brothers. I like that. Anyway, I better get going, I'd like to catch up with some sleep." Sunghoon says as he walks away from Jungwon, giving him a wave before proceeding. Sunghoon has always admired Jungwon and how he chooses the right words to comfort one another. It makes sense that he was chosen as the ruler of Hell, with Heesung serving as his right-hand man, as he possesses leadership qualities no one else has.

Jungwon was about to follow from behind until a dark presence deafened him and stopped his steps. With no lights and only the darkness calling him by name, he looks across to the building's door and feels goosebumps going down his spine.

He looks around to check if anybody was near, to which he sees none. The darkness keeps calling him, as if it wants to reveal something to Jungwon.

It was like a magnet, pulling Jungwon inside the building as he is attracted to whatever lies in the darkness of the building. Whispers of the undead filled Jungwon's ears while taking steps towards the theater. He doesn't react to this, he is used to the souls of the ones who perished whisper to him as he was still in Hell.

'I can sense that the darkness is unquestionably coming from within the theater.'

He rushes into the theater expecting to encounter Michael or one of the celestial beings who are allowing this to happen. But instead, he discovers an unexpected visitor who had to be covered in a dark cloak and had entered through the stage's hidden door.

"Excuse me, sir. You're not allowed to investigate just yet." A voice came from behind. Jungwon turned around to see a young fellow behind him, "Might as well leave before the rest of the government comes here and finds out that you're trespassing."

"Who are you?" Jungwon questions.

"Choi Beomgyu, professional picklock. Although my identity isn't that important. What's important is what's an outsider doing in government property?" Beomgyu clarifies.

"You see--" Jungwon was cut off by a loud screech coming from the hidden entrance of the stage which startled both him and Beomgyu.

"What the shit was that?" Beomgyu was paranoid, hiding behind Jungwon.

"The reason why I'm here." Jungwon answers as he comes closer to the stage.

"I wouldn't go near that if I were you." Beomgyu quakes in terror as he watches Jungwon move closer to the secret entrance, however Jungwon is undaunted since all he desires is the answer.

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