An Angel from Hell

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Every minute, Jay checks the time. He's been in the car for about an hour, either listening to music on the radio, dozing, talking to himself, or engaging in any number of other activities to pass the time while waiting for Jungwon.

"What are they doing in there?" Jay wonders as he observes Ningning and Jungwon from the window. Mammon felt his phone vibrated as its screen lit up from a notification. He hopes it isn't from his manager since he doesn't want to create an excuse for why he is abroad when his upcoming film is just around the corner.

When he glances at his phone, Jake's name pops up. Jay felt both relief and concern at the same time. Did the mission perhaps go South?

Jay swipes up his phone and checks Jake's message.

Jake: Jay, we need both of you here. We may have arrested Mr. M, but it seems like we have a bigger fish to catch. Get here as soon as possible.

"Jake sent a sticker."

The sticker was a cartoon puppy telling an eagle 'Please'.

Jay was in a hurry and couldn't reply because he shouldn't be wasting time. He got out of the car to pick up Jungwon, who is still talking to Ningning.


Ningning showed Jungwon about her garden, showing her passion and interest for plants and flowers as she said she has keen eyes for herbs. Jungwon reveals to her how he is a Prince of Hell while she is touring him around.

"So you're not going to suck my soul and banish me to Hell, right?" Ningning questions while picking up a flower pot and keeping her distance from Jungwon.


"Or are you gonna send a bunch of demons here and eat my intestines?"


"I mean you're Satan, you're God's rival, whatever God does, you do the opposite."

"No Ning!" Jungwon exclaims causing Ningning to stand there frozen in place. "I'm not like what they say in the books. You've known me for ten years and within those years have I ever tried sucking your soul?"

"No..." She utters her answer.

"Yeah exactly. I'm still Jungwon, Wonnie, strange Yang!" Ningning grinned at the last nickname Jungwon mentioned. He then adds, "I know it's a big pill to swallow, but I'm still the same kindergarten teacher you cursed at ten years ago."

"You're right. I'm sorry, I'm still getting used to believing that all this celestial stuff is real." Ningning says, lowering her head.

Jungwon looks at her, "It's okay, I understand. I'll treat you to Gluttony Goodness tomorrow, maybe that'll help ease you."

This made Ningning jump in delight,
"This is the first time Yang Jungwon has ever treated me to something! Hold on, I gotta post this..." She searches in her pockets for her phone, but they appear to be empty, "Darn, I must've left it somewhere."

Jungwon sneers, "Why are you going to post that anyways? It's not like I never treat you to somewhere before."

Before Ningning could talk back, Jay entered her garden while looking visibly worried. "Jay, are you okay?" Asks Jungwon after noticing this immediately.

Jay was out of breath, "Well, not really. Jake needs us. They're still at Mr. M's building, let's not waste anymore time."

"Mr. M's building? What are you guys going to do there?" Ningning questions.

"It's a long story, sweetheart. I'll be borrowing your bestie for a while, okay?" Jay gives her a sarcastic smile before dragging Jungwon out of Ningning's house.

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