Mr. M's Treatment

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a/n: tw this chapter mentions depression, psychological issues, etc.

Jungwon attempted to persuade Ningning that all she witnessed was a misunderstanding after meeting up with Hyerin's parents. Despite the fact that his figure is considered a threat to humans, he doesn't want his best friend to think he's a monster.

Ningning informs him that she needs some alone time, which Jungwon allows. While he's trying to mend his friendship, he invites the rest of the Seven Princes of Hell to the meeting room with him to share that the criminal, Kim Dongseok plays a bigger part than just being a smart murderer.


Riki was cleaning his computer after noticing how filthy it was. Because this is the only time he is seen cleaning something, he cleans it from the inside out.

And then, he heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" He asks.

"It's Sunoo!" He sighed when he realized this. Riki isn't in the mood to socialize, especially when there's a sunshine like Sunoo around to sap your energy.

"No one's home." Riki answers.

"Come on now, Niki. I got something for you!"

Riki is now intrigued. He places his cleaning tools on the counter and answers the door, seeing Sunoo smile warmly at him with a kitten in his arms

"A cat!" Riki exclaims as he grabs the cat from Sunoo.

"Seems like you have a soft spot for cats, Belphegor." Sunoo says.

"That isn't the case. What are you doing here?" Riki shifts the topic.

"Well, Satan, or should I now call as Jungwon, is inviting us to another meeting." Sunoo says, "Maybe we can go there together, like the best friends we are." Sunoo offers, hoping that he won't go alone like last time.

Riki pretends to think with his hand over his chin while looking up at the ceiling,


Beelzebub rolls his eyes, "Niki please--"

"For the last time, it's Riki! Why do you even use Niki?" He corrects him while placing the cat down.

"I like Niki. It sounds nice with Nishimura. Nishimura Niki, you sound like a Japanese musician." Riki just gave him a judgemental stare in return. Sunoo clears his throat, "Anyway, let's head to the meeting together. I don't want to go alone."

"Don't tell me you're still terrified of going somewhere alone, Beelzebub," Riki remarks with a sly grin.

"No, I'm not scared--"

Riki insisted as he walked out of his apartment, "Alright, alright, I'll come with you. Mostly because I feel awful for you."

"You little..." Sunoo simply followed along, unwilling to say anything further to Riki, knowing that this will all end with them bickering. Just like their good old days in Hell.


Everyone has finally arrived for the meeting, with Jungwon seated at the far end of the table, eager to share his concerns with the others.

"Good afternoon!" Jay greets while stretching his arms as if he just came back from a nap.

"Sit down." Jungwon demands.

"What's up?" Jake asks as he takes a seat next to Jay.

Jungwon rests his palms on the surface of the table as he leans against it, "I think I have a lead." With that being said, everyone was suddenly intrigued.

As the princes are seated, Jungwon begins the meeting, "Okay so, does everyone remember the criminal, Kim Dongseok?"

"I remember him as clear as a crystal." Sunghoon responds.

"I worked on his case." Heesung says.

"After a certain incident, Hyerin, my student, her parents brought me over to console her. Kim Dongseok is her brother, and she claims his soul has been following her around. And so I went into his room to investigate. I was supposed to lure him there and return him to Hell, but instead I discovered something else." Jungwon then pulls out his phone and shows everyone the letter that he saw.

"Mr. M's Treatment?" Riki questions.

"Is it familiar to you?" Jungwon asks.

"There were groups of people giving out flyers to me about this. I found it strange because they usually lend flyers to vulnerable people like me, struggling citizens who have nothing to eat." Riki says.

"They also target people who have psychological issues as it says here. They promise to treat you if you sign up, ridiculous." Jay adds after searching it up in his laptop.

Jake snaps his fingers, "Yo, are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Mr. M's Treatment sounds like a cult." Heesung says to which Jake claps.

"Yes! They target people who are struggling mentally and physically and use them as either sacrifices or new members." Jake further informs them.

Sunghoon was impressed, "You're pretty educated about this."

"I've had customers in my club recruiting members for their cult. They'd drug their drinks and kidnap them." Jake says.

"But I don't see Dongseok having..." Jungwon then remembers the anti-depression pills in Dongseok's drawer. "You're right."

"But what does this have to do with the gates of Hell?" Sunoo asks. Jungwon swipes his phone and shows another picture. The drawing that he saw in Dongseok's room.

"Basing off of this drawing, it seems like their cult's goal is to open a gate. In the drawing it has flames and scribbles of a cross, to which confirms that this drawing is the gates of Hell." Jungwon says, pointing out the subtle details in the drawing.

"What if their cult is just exaggerating that they're going to open the gates of Hell?" Sunghoon asks.

Heesung straightens his posture, "It isn't farfetched for a cult to desire something big. They'd do anything for their leader."

"I think we can check it out. Besides, this is the only lead we have so why not try?" Jungwon urges.

"No, are you suggesting that one of us has to sign up for that cult?" Jake questions.

"We have no other choice." Jungwon shrugs.

"To make it believable, have someone with a poor background go." Riki suggests. But then, knowing that he is the lone prince that has a struggling past, all eyes were on him.

Riki sighs, "Oh fuck me."


a/n: y'all i swear i wrote this chapter way before niki posted the picture with his new cat. coincidence??

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