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For centuries, humanity has feared having their souls banished to the depths of Hell in the Afterlife. To prevent it from happening, they must stay loyal and faithful to the Almighty God above. Follow His words and He shall grant you everlasting life.

But, sinning is something unavoidable. An uncontrollable faith that every human must face in order to understand that evil is within them, no matter how strong your beliefs are.

Hence, humans must acknowledge the Seven Deadly Sins.








Perhaps you have never heard of the Seven Princes of Hell. Each prince handles a certain sin respectfully.

They punish the evil, but are they evil themselves?

They never chose this path. They didn't choose to be evil.

Lucifer represents Pride.

Mammon handles Greed.

Asmodeus stands in for Lust.

Leviathan takes the place of Envy.

Beelzebub serves Gluttony.

Satan acts for Wrath.

Belphegor presents Sloth.

After thousands of years of serving and punishing the deadly sinners in the Underworld, the Seven Princes of Hell decided to walk on the land their Father created. Not as the Seven Princes of Hell, but as normal people.


a/n: haha first story skrt skrt

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