Dokkaebi Signature

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The princes split out and explored other areas on their own in search of something unusual. While Jay and Sunghoon are backstage, Heesung and Jake are with Soobin and Yeonjun peering into every single corner of the theater, Riki and Sunoo are in Mr. M's office, attempting to seek for evidence that can confirm Riki's ongoing theory.

"So what are we exactly looking for here?" Yeonjun ponders as he looks at the evidence that is currently being organized on a white sheet by a forensic scientist.

"We're looking for the gates of--" Heesung slightly shoves Jake's shoulder, to refrain him from mentioning the gates of Hell.

"We're looking for anything that would support our case and provide proof that this cult went to tremendous lengths. It might be possible that they executed their members." Heesung speaks simply, as if he has handled cases similar to this on several occasions.

Soobin turns over to Beomgyu, a picklock recruited by their agency. Beomgyu can be seen pacing the stage and appearing to be on the lookout for something.

Heesung follows Soobin's gaze, "I haven't seen him before." He says.

"Choi Beomgyu, a professional picklock specifically hired for a case like this. He studied locks, hidden doors, those kinds of stuff." Soobin responses.

"It seems like he's looking for something on stage, could he perhaps be onto something?" To do as Jake advises, they moved in the direction of the troubled picklock.

Beomgyu spots them coming his way, "Soobin, Yeonjun!" He greets, he then gazes at Heesung and Jake, "You must be Lee Heesung, the lead detective of this case. Pleasure to meet you." The picklock extends his hand for a handshake, to which Heesung exchanges.

"What seems to be the problem?" Yeonjun questions.

Beomgyu exhales as he begins explaining, "You see, this building was once a legitimate theater. You know, the ones where the gentlemen and ladies would watch opera singers perform while appreciating their artistic talent? Meaning," He taps his foot on the stage, "There are secret entrances hidden in this stage. A passage where the performers can have an easy access to the back stage."

Heesung climbs up the stage, observing the platform he is standing on, he notices that a certain part of the stage has a hinge, "This must be one of the hidden entrances." Heesung points out.

"Correct! I've been wasting my time here, thinking of what can open it." Beomgyu says.

"I mean, you're a picklock, shouldn't you know?" Jake asks.

"Well, I've tried every method. Nothing. The door is too sealed, I don't know how that's even possible." Beomgyu replies.

"Although, before any of you arrived, my crew and I came to this site to unlock all of the prohibited areas. Then, as I approached the stage to inspect it, I discovered that an angel of some sort had flown up from it. I assumed it came from this entrance." Beomgyu refers to the hidden entrance.

"An angel?" Heesung questions, thinking that this angel might be the Archangel, Michael.

"I know what you're thinking, no, I have not been drinking. But, I was certain I saw a large creature with wings. I find it strange because whatever that creature is, it effortlessly opened the hidden passage." Beomgyu informs.

Yeonjun sighs and crosses his arms, struggling to grasp what Beomgyu had stated, "It's possible that the cult is hiding something down there."

"Right, we must open it at all cost." Soobin says.

"Good luck with that." Beomgyu gave them a teasing smile.

Heesung and Jake are completely aware of what the cult is hiding. They are sure it's the gates of Hell.

'To obscure the hidden entrance with dark magic is a pointless approach. I know what kind of game you play, Michael.' Heesung thoughts to himself, immediately cracking the code as he is very familiar with Michael's moves. After all, he did share a battle with him long ago.


"You're telling me you saw a document about opening the gates of Hell and it has the Dokkaebi signature?" Sunoo inquires as he watches Riki rummaging through Mr. M's office in search of the particular document. Sunoo is entertaining himself by playing around with a phone that he found laying around the office.

"Yes, now please, stop slacking off and help me find it." Riki says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Sunoo felt comfortable sitting on the spinning chair, so he disregards Riki's imperative, "How can you be so sure it's the Dokkaebi signature? I mean only the Seven Princes of Hell know how to write that."

Riki stops his steps, turning his head to Sunoo, "That's the point! Archangels can't write the Dokkaebi signature, so Michael definitely didn't sign that, meaning a prince has signed their life away, just like the clients." He points out as he proceeds to seek for the document.

"Oh my..." Sunoo has caught on, "Are you implying that... there's a spy among us?"

"Exactly. In every situation like this, there's always the mastermind, a bait, and a mole. We have already established that Michael is the bait since he has been doing all the dirty work himself."

"I-I can't trust anyone anymore..."

Looking at the trembling Sunoo, Riki reassures him, "Hey, calm down. Once I find that document, we'll take out the mole ourselves."

"Niki... I--"

Riki prepares to utilize his powers on whoever is intruding when the door clicks open, prompting him to point his palms in that direction.

"Woah! Woah! Riki chill! It's just me, Jungwon. I come in peace." When Riki recovers his powers, he and Sunoo are baffled as to why Jungwon is in the building.

"Jungwon? I thought you were having a friendly date." Sunoo says.

"Did Jay tell you that?" Jungwon asks while placing his hands on his waist. Both Sunoo and Riki nodded in response, "Tch, that's so Mammon. Anyway, I was here before you guys came in. Beomgyu, the picklock man, and I entered together."

"Are you here to cover up something we missed yesterday, or were you just excited to investigate the building?" Riki interrogates Jungwon, finding it odd how he came in earlier than them, and for what reason?

Jungwon slowly stepped back, "What's going on? What's with the sudden change of mood?"

Sunoo spots that Jungwon is holding onto something, it looks like the document they have been searching for.

"Niki! He has the document!" Sunoo exclaims, Jungwon's reaction was to quickly cast a fire barrier to stop Riki and Sunoo from chasing him off.

"He's the mole..." Sunoo utters.

Riki was infuriated by this, "Jungwon! You better have some explaining to do!"


a/n: bad jungwon, bad!

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