Prelude to Chaos

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With the pendant in his control, Sunghoon makes use of its capacity to draw power from Hell's heart. He is aware of his newfound strength surging in his veins, a strength that could ultimately shatter the gates of Hell.

Leviathan breathes out after becoming acquainted with his immense power.

Jake makes his way over to Beomgyu and checks his vital signs to see whether he's alright, but seeing his condition, it looks like Beomgyu can't make it, "Shit, stay with me, Beomgyu, we're going to get you out of here."

"He's dead, Jake. How pathetic, am I right? Humans were made to live on Earth and find fulfillment in their existence, but because they are mortal, they are unsure of their own destiny." Sunghoon remarks, expressing his views on their father's creations to Jake.

"You're wrong. They're not pathetic, you are." Jake responds through his gritted teeth, his voice box quivering in rage at Sunghoon's abhorrent assertion.

Sunghoon draws him nearer and grips his neck as he warns in a low voice, "Yes. I am pathetic, and so are you princes. You all failed to see how withered this world is."

When he tears the ground from above wide apart by using his powers, the thunderous sky above them, which may be a harbinger of the impending chaos is  now visible.

He takes Jake by the hand and soars upward. The soldiers manning the crime scene directed their focus to Sunghoon and Jake while aiming their rifles in their direction. However, none of the soldiers dared to fire a shot.

They were scared.

Sunghoon stands tall in front of them as he says, "From this day forward, I am the King of Hell and Earth. And to celebrate this coronation, I would want to have my brothers join me for dinner."


Heesung witnesses the dark clouds of Hell rupturing in front of his eyes, merging the two worlds altogether. Sky-born cracks and gateways are forming, revealing the familiar world they live in.

Michael gave a round of applause, showing how proud and exhilarated he is, "See that, Lucifer? Leviathan did that. He created more gates, shouldn't you be proud of your brother?"

Lucifer fell silent, no words uttered out of his mouth as he is stunned to see how powerful Leviathan has become. What was once seven princes of equal power is now vanquished by one who can rule both Hell and Earth independently.

The Archangel, pretending to check a watch on his wrist, puts on a horrified expression like a student who realizes they are running late for class.

"Oh! Look at the time, we're almost late for his dinner party."

"Dinner party?" Heesung questions.

"Indeed. Leviathan would want to have a word with all of the Princes of Hell."


Ningning storms out of the restaurant as she snatches her phone from Sunoo's hands which left the three princes shocked at her actions.

"Ning, what's going on?" Jungwon asks, trailing behind his best friend.

Ningning started ranting as she whirled to confront Jungwon, "I have no idea who you people are, all I know is that you're the Devil! And for some reason these friends of yours have my phone!"

Jungwon shifts his gaze over to Sunoo and Riki who are equally as shocked as he is.

"Ma'am, we didn't know it was your phone." Sunoo explains.

"Bullshit!" Ningning swears at him while turning her toes towards Sunoo.

"Call that bullshit." Riki scoffs while grabbing Ningning's phone back, "Tell us why your phone is considered as evidence during our investigation in Mr. M's building."

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