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Sunghoon and Riki have entered the changing room and are putting on the gowns provided by the receptionist. The gown was white with delicate light blue polka dots on the design and was long enough to cover their knees and ankles. To complete the appearance, they must wear white fluffy slippers.

"How's it going?" Jake asks through their earpiece.

Sunghoon answers in a whisper, "Pretty tense. The receptionist kept watching us."

"Shit. Did they see the earpiece?" Jake questions.

"No no. Our earpiece is small enough for them to not notice." Sunghoon responses.

Riki has finished dressing himself up and looks over to Sunghoon, "Let's go?"

Before leaving the changing room with Riki, Sunghoon nods and takes a deep breath. The two demons were frightened when they saw the receptionist standing in front of the door.

"Follow me." She says as she walks ahead of them.

Riki whispers to Sunghoon, "She's so fucking creepy." Before joining the receptionist.


The employee gives them a tour of the building before allowing them to join the rest of the clients, assuming they are even considered as clients. She shows them the bathing area, the restrooms, and the lounge area, every corner of the building except for a certain room.

"What's behind that door?" Sunghoon wonders aloud, gesturing to the light blue door that is the only thing visible down the white coated hallway.

"Oh, It's restricted. You'd get your chance to enter there once you're ready." She explained, making things even more terrifying for Sunghoon and Riki.

She then takes them to the dining area, where all of their clients are.

"Seems like you two are in time for the lunch break. Have fun, and remember to rest well!" The receptionist then departs from the two, walking away and back to her usual counter. The lunch area appeared to be a typical school cafeteria. As group of friends gathers at one table, circular tables are put around in the room, nothing peculiar is happening.

While scanning the room, Belphegor and Leviathan both observed two young males sitting at one of the tables. As a response, Riki and Sunghoon made the decision to join the two loners.

"Hey!" Sunghoon begins as he takes a seat across from them. Riki took notice of the two other clients' food portions. They seem to be feeding two people.

"Hello, I'm guessing you're new here," The elder one adds, "I haven't seen a handsome face like yours in a long time."

"Actually, we're newcomers, and we're trying to get ourselves familiar with the place, so it'd be great if you guys could count us as your friends and show us around." Sunghoon explains.

The elder looking one takes his hand out for a handshake, "I'm K. And this is Riki." He motions to the younger-looking one next to him.


"Yes, but here we call him Taki, and you can even call him Takoyaki if you like." K adds, chuckling.

"My name is also Riki." Riki says, looking over at Taki.

Taki didn't respond; instead, he merely stared at Riki before eating his meal.

K clears his throat, "I'm sure we'd get along. Welcome to Mr. M's Treatment."


The meditating session is the next session they must attend after their lunch break. Much yet, nothing unusual has transpired. They'll go on to the next session after each one is completed.

Riki and Sunghoon follow in their footsteps, doing just as the other clients do as if they're their own shadows. The sun has set and the moon is shining down on them at this point.

They all walked to their rooms, where they discovered that there were no mattresses and they would have to sleep on the floor with a small cushion and a rug.

As they were getting ready for bed, a bunch of health-workers came in the room.

The health-worker brought out a list as they started reciting names of their clients, "... Park Sunghoon, and Taki." Sunghoon looks at Riki with confusion written all over his face.

"What am I going to do?" He whispers to Riki.

"Dude, I don't know. Just go with the flow." Riki whispers back.

When Taki stood up, Sunghoon soon followed, directing him and the other clients to the health-care staff who had invited them. Riki heard K chuckling as they were leaving and turned to face him.

"It's unusual for nurses to allow a new client inside the room." K comments.

Riki begins by asking, "What do you mean?"

"The room I'm talking about is the one behind the light blue door along the restricted hallway." K answers, looking at him.

"What's in that room?" Riki was more curious.

"It's very special because you get to meet Mr. M himself!" K sighs as he lays on his back, "How lucky of Sunghoon. He's new, but he gets to see the one and only Mr. M! But, most of the clients that enter there won't come back."


"Who's Mr. M anyway?" Sunoo questions while caressing a cat's cheek. Jake and Heesung watched closely as they observe Sunghoon's camera.

"I checked his background awhile ago, nothing was popping up except reviews of people saying how he's a qualified doctor and his way of treating people is top tier." Jake responses.

Sunoo scoffs, "Sounds like a phony to me."

Jake looks over to Sunoo and sees the cat he suddenly has in his arms, "Where did you get that cat?"

"I gave it to Riki. I decided to bring it along in this mission because I can tell it's getting lonely." He then raises the cat to his face as he talks to it like a baby, "You were lonely, weren't you? Sunoo is sorry."

Jake is judging him too hard.

And whilst that is happening, the name Mr. M seems to be familiar to Heesung. It's like he has heard of it before.


"This isn't a threat, this is a warning."

"Leave the humans alone."

"Oh, please. Talk to Mr. M about it."


"That's it!" Exclaims Heesung, drawing Sunoo and Jake's attention.

Jake asks, "What is it?" Heesung ignores him and rushes up to the microphone to relay his directives to Riki.


"Riki! Riki, can you hear me? Smile if you can hear me." Heesung says through Belphegor's earpiece which made him sit up. Riki smiles slightly, indicating that he can indeed hear Heesung.

"Go to Mr. M's office and investigate it thoroughly." Heesung commands. Riki does a gesture that questions, 'Now?'

"Yes, now. Jake will give you the directions. Over and out."

Riki sighs, he was about to drift off to sleep, but he has a task to do. He rises from the floor and leaves the room silently, taking care not to disturb the clients who are already sleeping.


"You have an idea to who Mr. M is, do you?" Sunoo questions. Heesung shrugged as a reaction, motioning Sunoo to keep an eye out of Sunghoon's point of view.


a/n: t-t-taki a-a-and k tho 🥺🥺

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