Tactics Beat Firepower

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Riki is positive Jungwon is the spy after discovering he has the document. He sprinted past the fire barrier that had been put up and raced Jungwon down the corridor. Sunoo, on the other hand, cautiously leaps over the barrier because of his concern that his pants would catch fire.

Even so, Jungwon finds it a little tricky to step up to the plate because the hallway leading up to Mr. M's office is a little shorter than the others.

"I think that document doesn't belong to you, Yang." Riki says as he catches up to Jungwon.

"I don't think it belongs to you either, Nishimura." Jungwon launches himself up in the air with fire coming out of his palms in an attempt to stall Riki. Belphegor swiftly transforms to his demon form to counter the attack and soars extremely high to grasp Jungwon's ankle, dragging him to the ground.

Jungwon's back meets the floor after getting slammed onto the ground, "Let's not fight over this, Riki." He breathes out as he was pinned down by Riki.

"Oh yeah? Hand me the document then."

"I believe I can't do that. Who knows? Maybe you're the spy." Using both of his feet, Jungwon kicks Riki off of him, forcing Riki to drift back. "I can't trust anyone now. Not even you or Sunoo." He says while standing up from the ground.

"Like that would clear up how you ran away with the document as if you're the one who's guilty!" Riki spat at him.

"I only ran away because if the spy figures out a prince knew about their schemes, I'd be dead meat." Jungwon explains.

Sunoo ran over to them, completely late for the party, "Why don't you tell us why you were here earlier than us?" He asks while catching his breath from sprinting too fast.

"Yeah, go ahead. Give us a reason why we should trust you, Satan." Riki says, never forgetting that he's talking to the literal fallen angel.

Jungwon was still unsure of his idea of putting his trust in Sunoo and Riki, but he had been ruminating for far too long when he heard rapid footsteps coming up the stairs. They were observed by a group of soldiers, who also noticed the paper Jungwon is clutching onto.

"Touching evidences without gloves is prohibited, hand it over." A soldier demands, leaving Jungwon with no choice but to,

"Fuck this." Jump out of the window.

"Jungwon!" Sunoo shouts as he and Riki sprint over to the window and witness Jungwon safely land on his feet despite having shards of glass sticking onto his skin. Riki sprang out of the window as well, wasting no time. He sticks the landing and turns to look at Sunoo, who hasn't jumped yet.

"Sunoo! Come on!" He urges him over, but Sunoo shivered in his boots due to the height of the building.

"Niki, I can't!" Sunoo shakes his head, fear holding him back again.

"Shit. Prove to me that you're the prince you are. Show me, Sunoo!" Riki encourages him, "You're not weak! You need confidence! Find your spark, Sunoo!"

The only sound Sunoo hears is the stinging noise of the muffled world around him, which drives his heart to race. He takes big breaths, his eyelids quivering from fogs in his brain. He's stuck with a decision he doesn't want to make, and he has no idea what to do.

'Jump or... die?'

"Back-up, requesting back-up. A fugitive is in possession of evidence. I repeat, a fugitive is in possession of evidence." The soldier reported to the other military personnel as Sunoo was awakened by this and turned to face them.

He won't let them touch his friends.

Sunoo took a deep breath before jumping out of the window.

"That's it!" Riki cheers on, but it took a turn when Sunoo didn't land on his feet. He twisted his ankle in the large fall, which caused him to scream in agony, "Holy shit! Dude, are you okay? Fuck, of course you're not." Riki rushes up to him to check his condition.

"Go! Get the document!" Sunoo pushes him away, believing that with his sprained ankle, he would only be a burden to Riki.

"I'm not leaving without you, the military is onto us and we don't want you behind bars now, huh?" Riki kneels right in front of him with his back facing Sunoo, "Hop on."

"Are you seriously going to give me a piggyback--"

"Just go! We don't have time!" Riki pulls Sunoo's shins immediately while Sunoo slings his arms around his neck, "Hold on."


"Back-up, requesting back-up. A fugitive is in possession of evidence. I repeat, a fugitive is in possession of evidence. Fugitives are on the run." Soobin heard the report from his walkie-talkie loud and clear.

"Someone stole evidence." Yeonjun says.

"Who?" Jake questions.

Soobin answers with, "Identity hasn't been confirmed yet." As he makes his way to the second floor, Soobin leads Yeonjun behind him while holding his walkie-talkie up to his lips to issue commands.

"Shit, what is happening?" Beomgyu soon followed them up to the second floor, leaving Jake and Heesung on the stage.

Heesung took advantage of this and used his abilities to dissolve the black magic that was keeping the secret entrance sealed while the government was busy being preoccupied by the wanted fugitive.

"So my senses were correct. That entrance definitely has dark magic casted on it." Jake says.

"This is a typical Michael move. Now stand back." Heesung instructs as he concentrates on stabilizing his powers, trying to not overdo it again.


Sunghoon is busy looking for something in the backstage, muttering, "Where is it?" Repeatedly. Jay didn't quite pay attention to this, instead he notices Heesung attempting to open the secret entrance.

Upon observing this, Sunghoon and Jay immediately rushed to Heesung, "Need a hand?" Jay offers, seeing how Heesung is struggling.

Jay steps in to help remove the dark magic as Lucifer acknowledges his difficulties. The two princes blasted the door of the secret entrance into the air as Sunghoon and Jake stood by and watched.

"It's opened!" Jake exclaims.

"It's opened! Amazing!" Beomgyu expresses his excitement and astonishment towards the miracle that is opening the sealed door, "How'd you do it?" He questions Heesung.

"Well they did say tactics beat firepower." Heesung responses, looking over to Jay and gave him a grateful smile.

"I mean what did I expect from the Lee Heesung, you rocked this!" Beomgyu roots for him.

Sunghoon peeks at the secret entrance and determines that it cannot possibly lead to the backstage area after examining how far it descends, "I guess all we have to do now is go down." He says as the others joined in to peek at whatever lies inside the hidden entrance.


a/n: I'm not ready for their comeback 🏃‍♀️💨

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