Reunited Once Again

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Heesung arrives first, his appearance looks as if he's the CEO of the place. He's completely coated in a black suit, black pants, a necktie with a white polo inside.

The meeting place is inside a tall luxurious-looking building. The kind of buildings where business men would discuss their ties and connections.

As he enters the building he was greeted with a lady that wore a uniform dedicated to the place. "Hi welcome, may I know if you have any reservations for a meeting? Or are you here to start a meeting?"

"I'm invited for a meeting." Heesung replies.

The lady brings out a clipboard and a pen, "Would you mind telling me who invited you?"

Heesung wasn't sure what to answer. He doesn't know what name Asmodeus and Mammon go by. He can't just randomly say a name, like 'Patrick', that wouldn't work.

"Can I show you the invitation?" Heesung asks.


He opens his phone and shows the lady the email he received.

"Well then, follow me." The lady leads away with Heesung following from behind.

Her heels cackle on the tiles as she presents him to the elevator. They both went inside, but as the elevator door was about to close, someone caught up that causes the doors to open.

"Sorry, where is this elevator heading?" The person asks.

"The eleventh floor, sir. Are you also invited for a meeting?" The lady asks.

"Yeah yeah. Here." He shows her the invitation through his phone that has its screen cracked.

"Oh, the same as him. Please join in."

He nods while entering the elevator, keeping his distance from Heesung and the employee. The lady presses the button to the eleventh floor, having the elevator doors closed.

Riki just arrived before the elevator could shut. He wants to be as early as possible so he'd be praised as the 'early bird'. Heesung found his style rather messy. Riki's clothes are all baggy, a black hoodie over a white shirt, complete with wide jeans that is long enough to cover his shoes' brand. He has his hood over his head to avoid any social contact.

'Whoever this is, I hope he buys new clothes... He also smells like cigarettes.' Heesung thoughts.

The elevator gave out a "Ding!" As they arrive at the eleventh floor.

The lady motions them to follow her, Heesung went ahead as Riki shyly follows from behind.

'Who could he be? Leviathan? Lucifer? Gosh I hope he isn't Beelzebub.' Riki thinks to himself.

After walking through the hallway that is designed with a fancy wallpaper and light that is brighter than day, they arrived at the meeting room. The employee pushes the door open, letting Heesung and Riki enter.

It made Riki's jaw drop. It's his first time to ever witness such an organized place. A large oak table sits in the center of the room, and a gray carpet covers much of the floor, matching the gray chairs that circle the table. The walls are covered in soundproof padding, which was probably suggested by Asmodeus and Mammon because they didn't want anybody to hear about their talk regarding actual demons.

Heesung has seen a room like this one so it doesn't surprise him too much.

"The meeting will begin momentarily, have a seat while waiting for the other members to join." The lady says, leaving the room right after. Riki walks around, observing the TV that is set up on the wall.

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