Illusion of Love

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"South Korea's capital has been the subject of conversation that has received the most attention after the fiery and chaotic outburst coming from the depths of the Underworld.

Knowing how perilous the situation is, other nations quickly prohibited international flights and shut down their gates until Seoul's troubles were rectified.

Soldiers from all across the countries have volunteered to aid the people of South Korea, but as they set foot on the peninsula, they were met with man-hungry demons ready to feast.

Five million people have left the area so far, while the remaining half have either been reported dead or are missing.

This includes children and adults alike.

God, if you really do exist, help us. We beg for your mercy."


Jungwon repeats himself one more time with his glare not leaving Ningning's, "I said, let him go." Even with his demanding tone, Ningning didn't see this as a threat.

The queen of Hell clicks her tongue while cocking her head sideways before releasing Jay and resulting in him to tumble on the vines that are strewn across the floor.

"Jay, are you--" Jungwon was going to check Jay's condition when Ningning pushed her thorny vines in his direction and tangled them around his neck as she tossed him into the air.

She laughed with joy as she tormented her husband, giving her pleasure. All her worries and anger go away if she sees the king that once abandoned her is suffering.

Ningning flew to the same height as Jungwon, then grasped him by the shoulder and dragged him back to the ground, slamming him on the rough path.

"You're losing to your wife, Satan. Isn't that embarrassing?" She teases.

He was about to stand up, but was stopped by Ningning stepping on his chest with her heels,

"Why did you leave me in Hell? Have you even considered my feelings? After all we've been through, you just decided to leave and for what? To become a kindergarten teacher?! For fuck's sake."

"I have lived millions of years ruling Hell with you, I loved you and I cared for you. But in those years I never found who I was. That was the only time I considered my own feelings."

"Love? Oh darling, you never loved me." Ningning was about to end him there, aiming her thorns right at his heart, until Jungwon uttered,

"I thought you were real."

As her thorns sank, so did her stomach.

"I thought Ningning was real. I can't believe she never existed." He chortles as he reminisces at the moments he had with Ningning.

Jungwon then looks back at her with the same look he had when he first met Ningning, "We can make more memories like that. You don't have to do this, we don't have to do this. So please, put an end to this."

She wasn't even aware that she was bawling, quivering, or that her legs were feeling numb while her mind was torn between obeying Leviathan's commands and choosing to spend the rest of eternity with the love of her life.

Both of them started to hear loud footsteps and looked up to see Mammon in his demon form.

A massive, maroon-skinned demon with a striking appearance owing to his large belly.

He rushed towards Ningning. She narrowly evaded his attack by soaring into the air with the help of her vines.

"Jay, why did you do that?!" Jungwon asks while standing up from the ground.

Jay replies, "You're welcome, I saved your life!"

"Gosh, Jungwon, you really are strange. You almost had me there." Ningning laughs at herself for almost being fooled as she believes.

"No, it was a misunderstanding!" Jungwon says.

"Liar! All you do is lie!"


Meanwhile, Heesung and Sunoo struggle to land a single punch on Leviathan as he is too big for them to handle.

A while ago, Sunoo noticed the pendant hanging around Sunghoon's neck to which he claims that it was the Pendant of Heaven. With that in mind, he might have a plan.

"Lucifer! Fall back!" Sunoo yells out, prompting Heesung to run in his direction.

"What is it?" He asks.

"We can't go up against him without a plan. He already has size as his advantage." Sunoo says.

Heesung nods, agreeing to Sunoo's statement, "Right. I'm guessing you already have a plan in mind."

"I know how to defeat him." Sunoo claims which brought Heesung to answer with,

"Well what is it?"

Sunoo points out the gem engraved on Leviathan's forehead, "He was wearing the Pendant of Heaven. Now since he is in his demon form, the pendant's gem is now plastered on his forehead."

"His source of power is coming from the gem. And in order to weaken him..."

"We must destroy the gem." Both of them said in unison.

"I should have you as a detective once this entire shit is done." Heesung says.

Sunoo shrugs, knowing with one wrong move, he won't be able to be a detective as Heesung said, "Well, let's see."

"I'll distract him, you sneak up from behind and break that gem." Heesung instructs.

Sunoo felt a bit uneasy as he was given the responsibility to smash the gem. But he doesn't want to fail Heesung and the rest of the innocent people that were affected by this, so he has no reason to back down.

Fear won't hold him back anymore.


a/n: the chapter was getting too long so i had to split it into two parts 🙄 BUT HEY THANK YOU FOR 1K READS HOLY SHT I APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH!

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