Blessed or Cursed?

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Mr. M's attention was diverted as they were executing a ritual. As if he realized something was wrong, his head darted towards his behind. Sunghoon notices this and tries to track his every move.

Sunoo's voice could be heard through Sunghoon's earpiece, "Can you hear me?"

Sunghoon asks, "Oh, Sunoo, you're watching me?"

"Yes, Jake and Heesung are taking care of Riki's situation." Sunoo says.

"Wait, what situation?"

"He went to Mr. M's office, then he was attacked. I think it's better if you help him out, please!" Sunoo's tone was pleading for help.

"I'll try my best." Sunghoon reassures him before watching Mr. M exit the stage and went to the back stage. Something wasn't quite right, and something bad is about to happen.

Sunghoon comes to a halt when he discovers Taki is no longer with him. Leviathan then rises to stealthily follow Mr. M, ignoring the health-workers that are stopping him from going up the stage.


Heesung gets out of his seat and prepares his firearms.

"What are you doing?" Jake asks as he spins around to face him.

Heesung answers, pulling his phone from his pocket, "I'm heading in there."

"You can't just walk right in--"

Heesung cuts off Jake's protests as he exits the van, "Yet I can. I'm calling for backup, wait here." He puts his phone against his ear as he marches towards the entrance of the building, "Yeonjun, send our best troops here... I'm at Mr. M's Treatment building."

Jake sighs, his anger directed at Heesung. He jumps up and takes a rifle from his seat.

Sunoo, fearful of being left alone, exclaims, "Wait, don't tell me you're going too."

As Jake chases Heesung, he says, "I have to. Stay here, Sunoo."

"I can help!" Sunoo volunteers.

"No, you stay here. You're not fit for this."

"But I don't want to be--" The van's door shuts, leaving Sunoo all, "Alone..."

Sunoo's heart sunk when he heard Jake declare he isn't fit for an extreme mission, "I'm not fit?" He finds himself wondering, looking in the mirror to see if there's anything in his face that implies he can't fight, "But, I'm just like them... a Prince of Hell." He utters.

"I could've made a better human form..."

He got a response from Riki's kitten as it looks up at Sunoo, "Meow."

"Right, I shouldn't listen to them. You're such a smart cat."


"There's no need for you to come here, Belphegor." Riki sensed Taki's hands crawling up to his waist and threw him against the wall, giving Taki the upper hand.

Belphegor stands up immediately, preparing for another strike, "How'd you know my name?" Riki asks.

"Oh, please brother, we've known each other for 9,700 years." As those words left Taki's mouth, Riki was in utter shock.

'He's possessed.' Riki notices the change in Taki's tone. That voice doesn't belong to him, it most certainly belongs to a celestial being, perhaps a cursed celestial soul.

"You're not Taki. That voice, I've heard it right before I entered this room."

"Ah, what a perceptive child; nice to meet you, I'm Mr. M, as you may know I'm the owner of this place." He said as he gently approached Riki.

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