Home Sweet Hell

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In the midst of Beomgyu's hysteria crisis, the four princes figure out a way to somehow seal the gates of Hell after finally uncovering it. Heesung is still mystified as to how the gates could possibly end up in a sewer. They left Hell by ascending to Earth rather than passing through the gates that evil souls use to enter.

"I have had enough of this entire alien, celestial shit that has been happening! I witnessed some creature fly out of the stage and now this?! Tell me what the hell am I looking at here?!" Beomgyu expresses his confusion over the gate in front of him.

"Relax, Mister Choi, leave it to us." Heesung calms him down.

"Wh-why are you guys treating this nonchalantly? We are facing something that is out of this world and you're over here telling me to calm down?" Beomgyu questions while flailing his arms around to exaggerate his complain.

Jay walks over to him, "Take a deep breath, calm yourself down and allow us to explain, okay?" He pats his shoulder as an act of reassurance.

Beomgyu nods his head, taking a deep breath, "Okay, okay. I'll try to somehow find my conscience back. Just give me a minute." He turns away from the princes because he doesn't want to be near the corpses that are scattered around the sewer.

"While mister picklock is catching his breath, do you guys have any idea on how we close this slimy ass gate?" Jay wonders as he peers at the gate emerging from the wall and blazing in crimson, emitting the screams of burning souls.

"First of all, how can the gates of Hell be located here?" Jake questions.

"That's what I have been thinking. I don't know if the cult purposefully opened it here, but it's impossible for a cult or even an Archangel like Michael to open the gates." Heesung comments.

"As far as I know, the gates of Hell can be opened and closed with the power of all Seven Princes, right?" Sunghoon says.

"None of this makes sense." Jay sighs as he moves closer to the gate, not aware that he will be dragged inside of it within a certain distance.

"Jay, wait!" When Heesung tries to reach out to him, the undead has already grabbed hold of him and is hauling him back to Hell.

"Shit! Holy shit! What the fuck?!" Jake couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

Sunghoon turns to Heesung, who he finds gearing up to go through the gates by himself because Jay needs to be saved, "Heesung, we need a plan! You can't just jump in there all willy-nilly."

"I'll enter and save Jay; you and Jake must remain here and figure out how to shut the gates. If a cult can open it, it's possible for us princes to close it." Heesung instructs.

"Are you sure with that? How will you go back out then?" Sunghoon is concerned, asking him the possibilities of Heesung and Jay never returning to Earth again.

"If we can ascend once, we can ascend again." Heesung responds.

Sunghoon nods, understanding what Heesung envisions in his mind, "Okay, stay safe."

Heesung gives Sunghoon a pat on the shoulder and leaps through the gates of Hell, returning to their abode after many years. The gate is plastered on the gloomy skies of the Underworld as Heesung glides down from it. A roaring red thunder appeared to welcome him, marking the return of the princes.

He lands onto the cold surfaces of Hell, creating dusty particles around him as he sets foot on the withered ground. Heesung is met with monsters and demons racing towards him as they think he is a trespasser because of his appearance. To this, he morphed into his demon form, the monsters immediately greeted him as soon as he is acknowledged. They circled around him, bowing to the prince they have been missing.

His demon form is the most distinctive of all of them; he stands tall and lean, with horns sprouting from either side of his head, and dark wings designed to soar through Hell.

"Your Prince of Hell has returned, and since you all insulted the Prince of Greed, you will all suffer a fatal punishment."


Sunghoon and Jake are currently formulating ideas for whatever kind of approach they should use in order to seal the gates of Hell.

Some ideas are questionable and have no sense at all.

"How about we use super glue?" Jake suggests.

"You... you think super glue would work?" Sunghoon is baffled.

"I don't know, man! I'm out of ideas. I just want all of this to end and go back to my old life. The bar, cool CEO, party-guy life." Jake starts reminiscing about his business and how it was ruined because of the gates opening, "Whoever opened Hell, I just want to ask why. Why are they trying to do this? Out of all times why now?" He adds while accidentally sitting down on one of the corpses, jolting up as soon as he felt his bum touching the cold body.

Sunghoon shifts closer to him, placing a palm on Jake's shoulder, "It'll be okay. Let's face whatever we encounter in this corrupt world, no matter how big or small."

"And maybe after all this, I'll visit your bar." Sunghoon adds.

"Well then, I'm looking forward to that." Jake says, having a wide smile plastered on his face, "Now back to the matter at hand, let's close this gate."


Heesung is guided by the demons and monsters to the pit of the scorching souls, a pit usually used for punishing the disobedient. It's suggesting that Jay is imprisoned there by the spirits.

Heesung orders the Underworld spirits, "Unhand your prisoner, you sinful souls."

Smoke from the spirits began to swirl into the air, signaling the presence of the souls. The souls answered all at once, different voices overlapping each other as they say, "Apologies, Lucifer, but this mortal stumbled upon our world and is unwelcomed. Must you give us a reason to why we should release this appetizer?"

"All of you must've been mistaken. The one you're holding captive is the Prince of Greed, Mammon. Bring him to me or else all of you will face a greater punishment." Heesung threatens, but this doesn't seem to give a reaction to the troublesome souls.

'Why are they being even more disobedient?' Lucifer questions himself. It's not because he and the other princes left Hell for too long, right?

"We don't really care if this prisoner of ours is a prince of Hell, we just want to see him suffer as we dig into his guts. And there's no stopping us." The souls let out a menacing laugh.

Heesung couldn't put a finger on why the souls were defying him, even the monsters and demons failed to perceive Heesung's presence in the first place.

"What happened to Hell...?"


a/n: damn i forgot to update yesterday my bad 🤌

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