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“Haba babe it seems you don’t want to see me its just only me that missed you” Abdul whined on the phone to Laura.
“Sweetheart you know I missed you too”
“Then should I come over to your house you know I missed hugging my wife and I missed kissing those soft lips of yours”
“Abdul” she exclaimed “Why are you so shameless what if someone hears you”
“What I am talking to my wife and there is nothing shameless about what I am saying I just missed my wife”
“You know its all your fault we are not allowed to meet.
If only you had allowed me to go back to my office the other day Ummi would not have caught us and I will still be coming to work” she scolded him.

“Really wifey are you now putting the blame on me its not my fault my wife looked beautiful and ravishing and its was not like I was doing something bad you are my wife”
“Tell that to Ummi who banned us from meeting each other and Anty Sa’a who supported her”
“To even think my number one darling Inna supported them, I just think the women In my family like tormenting my life and my beautiful wife don’t care about it”
Laura’s heart warmed hearing him calling Inna and Anty Sa’a his family.
Technically they are his family since they are now married but the way he say it every time makes her fall more in love with him. He is all she ever wished for in a man. And she cannot stop thanking Allah for giving her such a man.

“Baby are you not suppose to be in a meeting” she asked him.
“I was but I stepped out after I saw your call after all I am the boss they have to wait for me my wife is more important”
“oh my god I did not know, go back to the meeting we will talk later”
She quickly hanged up the call before he could protest.

Laura couldn’t help but think how this past three weeks have passed. 
Everything just felt like a dream. From her getting married and meeting her long lost grandmothers brother whom she never knew existed. Baba Abdulrasheed.
But she calls him baba.
Meeting his family. He have two wives and seven children. Four male and three female.
All his children are married except the lastborn Aleeya who is still in secondary school.
Everybody have been trying to make up for the time they missed in each others life. The are always at our house when they are not at work. They claim they want to know us more especially I who will be leaving to my husband house soon.
Especially her mothers uncle. Baba Abdulrasheed.
Anytime he is not working he is at our house with Inna trying to make up for the lost time.
He maybe my mothers uncle but we have formed this father and daughter relationship.

I wanted to return back to work the Monday after I got married but my husband told me to take the week off so I can bond with my new family.
My husband I love the sound of that.

I can say I met a new side of Abdulrahim when I returned back to work.
He became more possessive and cuddly. He hardly allow me to work in my office. He literally made me to be working In his office.

The next day after we got married he came to see me.
He called me to come and meet him in his car outside that he parked outside. He claimed he was in a hurry so he could not come into the house.
Which I think he just said that so we can have an alone time.

“Babe everything seems so surreal, how did I get so lucky” he kissed my hands he was holding.
“I know dear It feels like a dream who would think we will get married this early. Who will ever think that I Laura the girl from a small village will end up finding happiness here in this big city
You know I never knew Inna had a brother until yeste……………….”
“Abdul are you okay” he have not said any word for some time now and he kept looking at me without blinking his eyes.
“Laura I want to kiss you” he stated.
“Abdul wh……..” he cut me off by placing his lips on mine.
My eyes opened wide in surprise, my heart beat increased.

“Babe I have been wanting to do that for a long time and I am happy and did it the halal way.” He said after he broke the kiss
“Uhmmm” I mumbled still shocked about what happened while trying to not look at his face.
“Babe look at me” he touched my face and made me look at him.
“Did I do something wrong” he asked and I shook my head.
“Good then you wouldn’t mind if I do this again”
Before I could react I kissed me again and this time around I responded.

That was the beginning of shameless Abdulrahim.
This man try to hug or kiss me or hug me anywhere.
We even made out once in his office at work.  I know you guys will be thinking what!!!!
But i cannot deny my husband as a good wife.
You know. But between you and I, I enjoyed it.

Until Ummi came to his office the other day and caught me sitting on his lap. We were surprised to see her because she have never visited.
According to her she came to get her daughter in law she is taking me bridal shopping.
You know how African mothers react she practically forced me to carry my bag and follow her and in the car she kept on nagging about how children of this generation have no shame. That we could not wait until after the wedding
Eventually she stopped me from going to work until after the wedding.
Which was set for 5 weeks from the time after our Nikkah.
Which means it just two weeks left for the wedding now.

I have been hanging out a lot with my sisters inlaw. I clicked easily with them. They are amazing.
Anty Rabia and her kids came back last week for the wedding her husband will be coming back few days to the wedding too.
Everthing have been going so good at the moment if only my Umma was alive I would have been the happiest woman alive today.

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