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"i'm sorry i got upset, i know you struggle with telling people about your personal life.." he sighed, "i just couldn't help but think you were ashamed of us..of me"

minho stepped closer to his boyfriend, "i'd never be ashamed of you sung..i'm just not as confident as you are" he held his hands, "i'm sorry i made you feel that way"

jisung laughed and looked up, "since when did we get so good at communicating with each other"

"since we stopped hating each other" minho replied, smiling.

the brunette smiled back at him, "i'm glad we stopped hating each other then.." he kissed his lips softly.

they stayed like that for a few seconds before a knock interrupted them, "uh yeah..?" jisung said, luckily his parents always knocked before coming into his room.

"minho sweetie your mom wants to know if you're staying the night" she didn't even open the door, just spoke from behind it.

"um if i could stay it would be great" he replied.

"of course you can stay, i'll let her know" she said.

once her they heard her go down the stairs, jisung wrapped his arms around minhos neck again, "you're so pretty min"

the taller boy blushed, holding jisungs waist tightly, "you've mentioned that before"

jisung shook his head, "i don't think i say it enough..you're so so beautiful" he left a small kiss on his boyfriends lips.


"when are you coming back, i have nothing to do" chan complained over the phone, he missed his best friend.

"hang out with your secret boyfriend" minho replied while helping jisung clean up the room.

"he's away too..i finished all my work and even hyunjin has a boyfriend now so i'm all alone" he whined again, "just come back minho"

the boy laughed, "i'll be back tomorrow chan stop whining, until then just relax..you never get time to relax"

"whatever..did you manage to tell your parents?" he changed the subject.

"mhm yeah..it went well, they were happy and so were sung's parents" he took the phone off of speaker and held it to his ear, "i'm gonna go now, me and ji are going shopping"

"ughh..fine, have fun"

next few chaps might be the last

hate; hjs + lmh Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora