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jisung's leg was bouncing up and down, him and minho were next to present their dance and he was extremely anxious. he looked down at his hands and fiddled with the bracelets on his wrist.

minho turned his head and noticed how nervous jisung was, so he shuffled closer to him and slid his hand onto his boyfriends thigh.

"hey it's alright.." he tapped it gently, "stop bouncing your leg"

"ah sorry.." he apologised, looking down at minhos hand, he smiled and placed his own hand on top of minhos.

after a few minutes, it was finally their turn to perform. they both took a few deep breaths and walked onto the stage. chan had already set up his laptop in the corner of the stage and got the music ready.

he looked over the the pair and nodded, indicating he was ready to start. minho looked at jisung for reassurance and then looked back at chan, nodding to say they were ready too.

once chan pressed play on the music, the pair began their performance. minho was suddenly nervous when he made eye contact with his professor.

they went through their dance perfectly, everything went just as they'd practiced. as their performance was ending, they got into their final positions and ended the dance.

"you did so well" minho said as they walked off of the stage, trying to catch his breath."fuck i'm so out of breath"

jisung laughed, "i'm never dancing again" he reached for his boyfriends hand, "how about we go back to the apartment now?" he stepped closer, "hm?"

the purple haired boy nodded, "i like the sound of that"


"seungmin!" the tall blonde ran up to his new friend, he put his books down on the table and took a seat, "what brings you here"

the brunette looked up from his laptop, "revision, what else.." he replied blankly, "it's exam season, you should focus on your work too"

"i finished my assignment yesterday, so now i have nothing else do to" he pouted, resting his head on his hands, "i could help you with yours"

he frowned when he didn't get a reply from the boy, "minnie.."

"we'll leave in half an hour okay?" he grabbed a piece of paper and quickly wrote something on it, "could you get me this book please?" he handed the paper to hyunjin, "it should be in the psychology section"

the blonde nodded, "of course!" he got up and ran off into the library.


spice or no spice

also i'm loving the seunjin side story a bit tooo much :D

hate; hjs + lmh जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें