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the new semester hadn't even started yet and minho was already sick of college. he didn't know how he was going to work with jisung but at least he had chan to help him figure that out.

he read the post his professor had put out with all of the teams and what their theme was, each teams theme was based off of a tarot card. he prayed his one was something easy.

he found his team and his mouth dropped open as soon as he read the theme, "the lovers.." minho couldn't believe it. there was no way this was happening.

"there's no way he can even do this" he complained, "chan this has to be a joke"

"each team must compose a music piece and come up with a performance to match their assigned tarot card..i will grade on accuracy, professionalism and performance" chan read out the email. "so we basically have to tell a story?"

"i thought i was taking dance not drama" minho rolled his eyes and complained, "i am not doing this"


"the lovers?" jisung screamed. he slammed his laptop shut and grabbed the nearest pillow, he screamed into it as loudly as he could.

hyunjin covered his ears, "please stop screaming" he asked, "it's not as bad as you think it is"

he stared at hyunjin, "did you not hear what i said? lovers hyunjin..lovers" jisung screamed again, "what will felix think oh my god"

"he's not going to care, plus it's not like you and minho are gonna kiss for this stupid dance"

jisung screamed once again, "DONT EVEN SAY THAT OH MY GOD" he shook his head over and over again, "i hate this"

"what i said you won't have to do it!" hyunjin snapped back, he frowned "i bet minho's ripping his hair out right now"


felix couldn't stop laughing when jisung told him, he thought it was absolutely hilarious that he and minho had to choreograph a dance based on a theme of 'the lovers'.

he knew the two boys hated each other so this was peak comedy for him. "have fun sungie, it'll be a great bonding experience"

jisung frowned, "you and hyunjin are the same..you love to laugh at my misery"

"oh come on it's not even that bad, just don't do anything overly touchy if you're that uncomfortable with it" he ran his hands though jisung's hair.

"hmph.." he pouted, the next few months were going to be long and painful.


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