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"i think i preferred it when you two hated each other.." chan looked at the pair with a disgusted expression.

minho rolled his eyes, jisung too "hear that jisung? it's jealousy" he said sarcastically, "you'll get used to it chan"

"oh shut up i'm not jealous.." the blonde pouted and put his headphones on, ignoring the couple.

"i can't wait to get this assignment over with..then we can actually relax" minho wrapped his arms around jisungs waist, "maybe we can go back home for a weekend"

"mhm, my dad will be so happy when he hears about us" jisung rested his arms on the boys shoulders, "he's always wanted me to date you"

"really?? i knew he liked me but i didn't know he liked me that much" minho laughed.

"he doesn't like you min, he loves you..once when he was mad at me he told me he wished you were his son because you'd never disappoint him"

"that's part of the reason i hated you so much..because my dad loved you more than he loved me" he frowned.

"sung.." minho pulled him closer by his waist.

"okay that's enough, i can't deal with you two" chan slammed his laptop shut, "if we're not practicing then i'm going home"

"call me when you want to kill each other again" chan smiled and left the studio, leaving the pair laughing at him.


after practice, jisung and minho decided to go out for dinner. they went to a pizza place and shared some food, which was a good decision as they had loads left over.

by the time they'd left the restaurant, it was dark and cold. jisung hated the dark and the streetlights never worked properly in this area, so he grabbed onto minhos sleeve as they walked back home.

minho noticed that his boyfriend was scared, so he held onto his hand tightly and put their hands into his jacket pocket, "it's alright, i won't let anything happen to you"

those words comforted jisung, he felt a little less tense knowing minho was there for him.

a few minutes passed and they were almost there.

"we're almost home.." minho said as they walked onto campus, it was much brighter due to the lights everywhere but he decided to keep holding jisung's hand.

the pair entered their building and got into the elevator, "you know you can let go now" jisung said, looking down at their intertwined hands.

"mhm i know..i just don't want to" the older boy smiled, "i like holding your hand"

jisung smiled back at him.


hyunjin: hey
hyunjin: so i may or may not have left my sketchbook in my studio again

seungmin: i'll meet you on the bottom floor

hyunjin smiled at his phone, maybe he'd left his sketchbook in his studio on purpose and maybe it was because he wanted to see the brunette boy again.


hate; hjs + lmh Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang