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"aren't you the sweetest boyfriend ever" minho hugged him from behind, burying his face into jisungs neck.

"i'm literally just making you coffee" he laughed, turning his head to give minho a kiss on his forehead.

"what should we do today?" he asked, handing his boyfriend the coffee he'd just made for him.

"hm i'm not too sure" he took a sip of his drink, "we could visit the aquarium"

jisung nodded, "i like the sound of that"

"or we could sit with dori and watch movies all day" he placed his coffee on the counter and bent down to pet his cat, "aren't you the cutest"

jisung smiled at the way minho treated the animal. ever since they were little, minho had a love for cats, once on their way home from school the boy had found a stray kitten and decided he would take it home with him.

he got into so much trouble for taking a stray cat from the streets but after getting it checked by the vet, his parents let him keep it. minho named the cat dori.

"i feel like you love dori more than you love me" the brunette joked.

"that's because i do" minho replied, he didn't even hesitate, "no one will ever come between me and my baby" he stood back up and picked up his coffee again.

jisung just laughed and shook his head.


jisung stood in between minhos legs as they waited for the bus. he was the shorter one of the two and over the past few weeks, minho had developed a habit of hugging him from behind at every opportunity he got.

he would rest his head on the brunettes shoulder as they hugged. there wasn't too much of a height difference between them but it was just about perfect for minho to place his head on top of jisung's.

once the bus arrived, the pair got on and went right to the back so they could sit next to each other. when they sat down, jisung leaned his head on his boyfriends shoulder, "i'm so tired"

"i wonder why" minho said sarcastically, causing the younger to playfully hit his arm.

for the rest of the bus journey, the two held hands and talked about their childhood memories as they passed through the local town.

"oh remember when you got beaten up and i had to walk you home" minho cringed at the memory.

"i didn't get beaten up.." the older boy frowned as his boyfriend laughed.

"hm no min you definitely got beat, you had a massive bruise on your cheek for days" jisung reminded him and minho rolled his eyes, "i felt kinda bad for you"

"sure you did" minho said sarcastically.


once they arrived at the aquarium, minho bought tickets for both of them and they began their tour of the place.

they started off at the interactive room where they could feed and pet some of the animals, minho especially enjoyed feeding the fish, however jisung was a bit scared so he let his boyfriend do all the fun stuff.

"oh come on ji, it's so cute!" he said as he touched the stingray, "look at its face"

"no thanks min.." he took a step back, "be careful"

after that, the two headed over to the big tank where they saw a whole bunch of sharks and small fish. the room circled around the tank and all the lights were turned off except the ones inside the tank, causing the room to have dark blue lighting

minho watched in awe as jisung looked at all the different fish, he looked so happy.

"awe min look it's a starfish" he pointed at the starfish at the bottom of the tank, "isn't it adorable"

minho turned to face jisung, resting his hands on either side of his cheeks and leaning in to kiss him. jisung had to get on his tiptoes as his boyfriend was wearing platforms which made him slightly taller than usual.

"i really like you ji" minho said before kissing the brunette once again.


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