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hyunjin wandered through campus, it was quite late so barely any one else was around. he was about five minutes away from his apartment when he realised he'd left his sketchbook in his studio.

"fuck.." he sighed and turned around, now he had to go all the way back.

by the time he was half way to his studio, it was eerily quiet. hyunjin tried to reassure himself that nothing bad would happen, after all his campus had great security.

he continued to walk when suddenly he heard footsteps behind him "shit" he whispered to himself, that's when his fight or flight instinct kicked in. hyunjin quickened his pace and noticed the footsteps behind him also got louder.

he looked around, hoping to see someone on campus, and that's when he saw a boy coming out of one of the buildings.

hyunjin practically ran over to him and pulled him into a hug, "i am so happy to see you" he pretended to know the boy. the blonde turned around and the man following him was gone, he let out a sigh of relief.

the boy pushed hyunjin away, "what the fuck?" he picked up his books that had fallen on the floor when hyunjin hugged him.

"oh crap sorry.." he leaned down and picked up some of the books, "i'm so sorry, that man was following me and i saw you so i pretended to know you"

the brunette nodded and took his books back from hyunjin, "you shouldn't be out alone at this time, it's not safe" he put the books into his tote bag.

"i'm kim seungmin" he put out his hand and hyunjin shook it.

"hwang hyunjin" he replied, "i thought campus was safe.."

seungmin frowned, "you thought wrong..um would you like me to walk you home?" he offered as he noticed hyunjin was still quite shaken from the whole being followed situation.

the blonde shook his head, "ah no it's alright..i have to uh go to my studio first"

"i can walk you there too if you'd like..i don't really have anything better to do" he awkwardly laughed.

"in that case, yes please i'm absolutely terrified" hyunjin admitted.

"perfect, lead the way hyunjin" he smiled at the taller boy.


"so you study fashion design?" seungmin asked as they walked back from hyunjins studio, "i saw your designs up on the wall and i must admit, you're really talented"

the blonde blushed, "ah thank you, but really those are nothing..just some sketches" he looked at the book in his hand, "the real designs are in here"

"maybe you can show me some day" he smiled at hyunjin.

they both stopped outside the building, "thank you for walking me back, i appreciate it..but how are you gonna get home now?"

"i actually live in the same building as you" seungmin laughed, "i didn't notice until now"

they both laughed as they entered the building and got into the elevator, seungmin lived two floors below hyunjin so he got out first.

"next time you forget something, text me" he winked, sticking a little post it note on top of hyunjin's sketchbook, "bye" he left the elevator.

hyunjin looked down at the note and blushed, biting his lip slightly.

text me when u get home :)
p.s ur too pretty to be walking around alone at night


seungjin chapter !!

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