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"was that my christmas present?" felix looked down at his and jisung's intertwined hands, "i liked it a lot" he blushed.

"best present ever am i right?" they both laughed at his joke, "you know you didn't have to walk me home..now you're gonna have to walk home in the cold all by yourself"

felix shook his head, "i'll be fine i promise, i don't live too far from you" they stopped outside of jisung's apartment building. "go inside before you get sick again"

he handed jisung his bag back, "you can call me later if you're gonna miss me that much"

jisung pouted, "i'll visit you at the cafe tomorrow" he let go of felix's hand as he walked into the building.

he went into the elevator and pressed on the 8th floor, while he waited for the elevator to go up he searched for his apartment key in his pockets and by the time he reached his apartment, he had his keys out.

"i'm home" he said as he entered the apartment, he looked around and minho was no where to be seen. he shrugged it off and went to put his bag in his room.

jisung decided to look around the apartment once more before going to sleep, so he knocked on minho's bedroom door and entered when he heard someone say "come in".

"oh you're in here" minho was sitting on his bed with a glass of wine in his hand, his laptop was open in front of him with harry potter playing on it.

he looked at the floor next to minho's bed, there was two empty bottles of wine and a half empty one next to them, "how much have you had to drink.."

minho sipped his wine, "none of your business" jisung knew minho could handle his alcohol but he was still a bit worried.

the boy sighed and picked up the empty bottles, "clean up after yourself min"

"don't tell me what to do han" he looked at his empty cup and reached for the bottle on the floor, he put his cup down and started drinking straight from the bottle.

"you never drink this much, what's wrong" he asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed, "not that i care or anything"

"exactly" was all minho said. "now leave me alone"

jisung nodded, "of course" he went to his own room, keeping the door open just in case minho called out for him.

a few minutes passed and jisung slowly started to fall asleep, but the sound of glass smashing alerted him. he ran to minhos room to see the boy sitting on the floor wiping blood from the bottom of his foot.

he grabbed a bunch of tissues and handed them to minho, "be more careful..i'll go get the bandaids"

he ran to the kitchen to get the emergency aid kit and took it back to minho's room, "stop touching it, let me disinfect it"

jisung got out the disinfectant and cleaned the wound on his roommates foot with it, then he carefully applied a bandaid over it, making sure all of the cut was covered.

"are you hurt anywhere else?" minho shook his head and jisung nodded, "i'll clean up the glass, don't worry about it"

as he was cleaning up the broken glass, he looked over to minho and saw him crying, he frowned slightly. sure jisung hated him but that didn't mean he'd let him cry all by himself.

"my dad asked about you..he told me to date you" he tried to joke and make minho laugh instead, "i told him i'd rather drown"

his idea worked, minho slightly laughed at the comment, "i wouldn't date you even if we were the last people on earth" he replied.

"even after i cleaned up your drunk mess?" jisung said, holding up the broken glass.

minho shook his head, "i'm not drunk..i'm just tipsy" he smiled, "this reminds me of that one time in high school"

jisung laughed again, "oh god don't even talk about that"

okay, maybe they did get along sometimes, it was rare and only lasted a few minutes but it was still something.


all of u in the comments of chap 16:😟🫢

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