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the pair walked into the club and immediately found their friends. it was loud and bright, people around them were dancing and drinking to celebrate classes ending. the club was decorated with led lights which flashed a different colour every now and then, making it hard to see properly.

minho had to squint to see as the lights were so bright, "it's so loud" he said to chan who had two drinks in his hand, one of which he offered to minho, "thanks" he said as he grabbed it from him.

jisung had immediately gone to the bar to grab some drinks, he came running back with two cups and gave one to hyunjin, they both finished their drinks within seconds and were already getting more.

"should we stop them?" chan asked, he turned to minho who was shaking his head while sipping his drink. the blonde shrugged it off and went to find his other friends, leaving minho all by himself.

he looked around the club to see if he recognised anyone but when he didn't, he went and sat in the corner.

jisung on the other hand was drunk flirting with felix, complimenting his hair and whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"you've had enough to drink ji" felix took the cup from his hand but he snatched it back, "jisung"

"shh, i'm just getting started love" he winked and drank the remaining liquid in the cup, "i'll be back"

felix rolled his eyes and followed jisung to the bar, making sure he didn't get into any trouble on the way there.

minho was still sitting in the corner until someone approached him and began talking to him, after a few minutes he realised it was a boy from his criminology class.

"ah you're kim seungmin right?" he asked and smiled when the other boy nodded, "sorry i just wanted to get your name right"

"oh yeah no worries, so uh why are you sitting here by yourself?" seungmin asked as he took a seat next to him, "why not go try find someone you know?"

"my friend is busy" he pointed at chan who was making out with hyunjin by the bar, "and i rather not hang out with the other person i know here"

seungmin nodded, "same..my friend jeongin can be a handful when he's drunk" he laughed.


felix was surprised that jisung hadn't passed out yet, the amount of alcohol he had consumed was not normal, "jisung that's enough, i'm getting minho and he's taking you home"

"eughhh don't mention that bitch" he said, " he hates me why would he take me homee" jisung whined as felix dragged him through the crowd.

"okay then if he refuses to take you home, i'll walk you home myself" felix offered and jisung smiled.

"i'd like that" he replied.

they walked past chan and hyunjin, who were so drunk that they were making out. chan had the younger pinned to a wall and his hand on hyunjin's cheek, while hyunjin's hands ran through chan's hair.

both of them would probably regret it the next day.


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