CH:5{Violent Pain, A Mercenary's Past}

Start from the beginning

"Guhh..." Raiser coughed. "How did you exploit the timing between me absorbing fire and launching it back out? No, how did you even know about it?"

"I didn't." Kenshin said simply.

"You didn't? ! Then? !" Raiser was cut off.

"I merely acted upon a hunch." Kenshin said. "You see nothing is really instantaneous. Just like there's no way for you to be in two places at once. I figured there'd be a cool down period however short it might be, between you launching an attack, absorbing an element or launching it back out again. During that time, your body is solid, so I figured if I could reflect your attack back at you, and use the momentum created by my spinning blade to close in behind it, I could land an attack, I can see now I was right."

"Tch!" Raiser scowled.

"Whoa, he actually did all that off of a hunch?" Ravel wondered.

"My my, Kenshin-kun's mind is a steel trap in battle." Akeno thought.

"Interesting. According to him he doesn't have all his power, but he can do a lot with what he does have." Kiba said.

"He's strong..." Koneko thought.

"So that's what he meant by saying he's an 'on the fly strategist.'" Rias thought. "He could be a prodigy in Rating Games if paired with someone opposite of him in the regard."

"You got all that from a few failed attacks?" Issei asked.

"Have to fuck up a few times to get to the right answer. Crudely speaking that's one of the principals of science." Kenshin thought.

"Yes, but you can't hope that this will work forever." Salamander said. "Especially since you just explained that to everyone."

"I know." Kenshin thought. "Just need to pressure him some more. He'll show his cards eventually."

"Pay attention, Kuroshi." Raiser said appearing next to him, grabbing his wrist. Flames spiraling in his other hand. "Reflect this."

"Get away from him!" Rias shouted to Kenshin.

"Already done." Kenshin said leaping to the side, leaving a trail of blood behind as his naginata whizzed in between them.

"Huh? Ullgh!" Raiser said realizing he was holding Kenshin's dismembered hand and tossed it away.

"Lord do I love doin' that." Kenshin said with a smirk as he regrew his hand.

"Just a piece of advice, Raiser-Sama. Kenshin-San retain his regenerative prowess from his days at a demon, which improved in relation to how many wounds the body in question had absorbed over the period of his or her life." Grayfia said.

Kenshin caught his naginata and took his Sylph card out of it's slot. He re-equipped it and rushed Raiser, "Lightning Sword Flash!" His blade tore through Raiser's shoulder. He pulled it back and it regenerated. Kenshin repeated this over and over again with the same result. Raiser finally had enough and slammed his knee at high speed into Kenshin's stomach knocking him away.

"Hehehahahaha! It isn't gonna work, give it up!" Raiser shouts with a smirk. "You can't beat me!"

Kenshin spit out a glob of blood. "You know Phenex, back home...ya meet all kinds of people, in my position, they tell you the same thing, your sword can't cut me, you can't kill me, you can't defeat me..."

"Maybe you should have taken their words to heart then." Raiser said.

"But the thing is, I haven't met a person whose said that yet, that hasn't eventually fallen to me in defeat." Kenshin said with a smirk. "You're showing me how you regenerate too much Phenex, I'm going to make you regret it."

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