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"GOSH, YOU WERE about to make me have a heart attack..."

Kazuya didn't even laugh, her face stoic. "I dislike triggering other people's trauma."

"Wow~," Gojo laughed. "You think I got trauma from that?"

"You certainly have been acting like a trauma queen every time I mention ramen."

"Aha~! I get it! Drama queen...trauma queen!"

Kazuya rolled her eyes when Gojo laughed again. They had ended up going to a different place: a Conveyor Belt Sushi restaurant.

As much as she loved ramen, she hated the idea of having to burn it off in an intense workout later.

"Here are your seats," the waiter told them, gesturing to the seats in front of them.

"Thank you," Kazuya and Gojo said, sitting down.

They had been situated somewhere in the back of the restaurant. But just as Kazuya looked up, she noticed that many eyes were on them. Women, men, young and old at that restaurant, were looking at them.

No, not them. Gojo.

But, of course! Who wouldn't stare at the effortlessly handsome man with his perfectly-chiseled face, angelic white hair, and gorgeous blue eyes hidden under those mysterious midnight shades?

Even Kazuya couldn't deny that Gojo was the prettiest, handsomest, gorgeous man (although extremely annoying and borderline-stalker at this point) she had ever met.

I don't blame them, she thought as she watched them stare at Gojo.

But, suddenly, everyone looked away. When they suddenly saw the masked woman seemingly staring them down with those strong eyes. They couldn't tell what kind of shape they were: cat-like, bird-like, lion-like, phoenix-like, or a mix of many.

But the woman's gaze was so strong they couldn't help but turn away.

Well, Kazuya thought, completely oblivious. ...That's weird?

"Here is your green tea," the waiter said, handing them both a cup with a tea bag inside. "And your soy sauce and wasabi. Please enjoy your meal~"

"Thank you," Kazuya repeated again, and the waiter left them.

"So," Gojo said, clicking his chopsticks together. "How's it like being in your thrities~?"

No idea, because I'm not there yet! Kazuya thought, but didn't say. "The popular myth of having your life together in your thirties is the biggest lie of the century."

Gojo laughed, then suddenly got serious. "Biggest lie of the century, huh? Hmm..."

𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗 ⟼ g. satoruOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora