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KAZUYA WANTED TO see Gojo Satoru.

"People! People!" Mr. Eguchi clapped his hands. "Silence, please!"

The seventy detectives sitting in the auditorium silenced themselves and turned their attention toward their boss. Instead of focusing their attention on solving  cases, they were called to the auditorium for yet another "monthly emergency meeting" by their boss.

But Kazuya was the only one who thought about it that way.

Kazuya frowned from the back, crossing her arms. Since she couldn't see Gojo Satoru, she had resorted to avoiding snapping her fingers...like the plague.

What the hell does this man want now? she thought, glaring at Mr. Eguchi.

"Hello everyone," Mr. Eguchi said, waving timidly. "It's me; your boss."

The majority of the audience laughed at Mr. Eguchi, except for Kazuya. Kazuya kicked her feet up onto the back of the seat in front of her. Her frown deepened.

That wasn't funny, though.

Mr. Eguchi laughed, raising his hand for silence. "I have called this emergency meeting...to announce March's theme for our community building!"

Kazuya groaned, rolling her eyes as the other detectives began to clap. She covered her face with her hands, not being able to stand looking at her boss one moment longer.

Mr. Eguchi had a sort of obsession that they could all become like family, or at least have some sort of camaraderie, if they did team building activities every month.

It never worked, but he did force them to do stupid things.

"Opening up and being vulnerable is part of the team building experience," he had told her when she questioned his methods of "team building".

Bullshit, Kazuya thought, doing the bare minimum just to get out of doing it.

"March..." Mr. Eguchi said, getting a faraway look in his eyes. "Normally we think about marching forward, toward the future, but we don't really think about taking a march to the past."

Oh, great, Kazuya thought, rolling her eyes. He's going to make us bring in baby pictures. Luckily, I was a very cute baby-

"For this month's activity, we will be going back to high school! Bring a photo of you in high school and dress up like you did in high school!" Mr. Eguchi announced. "You have to play the part too; act like you did back then."

"Ooh's" and "Ah's" filled the auditorium, with many detectives whispering excitedly among themselves. This would be a fun, and maybe even funny, activity to do!

Of course, Kazuya begged to differ.

"WHAT?!" she yelled, standing up abruptly and taking her hands off her face.

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