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"WOW, YOU HAD some dumb first years, Utahime~!"

Gojo had watched the entirety of the first four discs. The first year trio were the main stars of the videos, but mainly because they did so many dumb things they managed to get on camera.

They had gone rat hunting (Yukimura had gotten bitten but she didn't die so...), they had tried to chop a watermelon with just their hands (the three had purple on the sides of their hands by the end), they broke an entire playground, and Takenaka had made ice cream with yellow snow.

But that was the decent stuff.

Minami had rubbed butter on her belly and tried to slide down the (wooden) hallway. She had also painted peaches on the butt of everyone's pants.

Takenaka ate the yellow ice cream and got stabbed with a katana (he had tried to play catch with Minami in the weapon room).

But Yukimura. Yeesh, Yukimura.

She beat the crap out of Mori and the next clips showed her nursing for Mori...for a whole week. Then, she stole Principal Gakuganji's credit card and bought a massive amount of new clothes.

In the same spirit, she had egged and toilet-papered Principal Gakuganji's house (which Gojo applauded but that wasn't the point). She put her classmate's hands in warm water while they were sleeping. She dove from a cliff into a river...in the middle of a storm.

Hell, she kept the rat that bit her.

No, that wasn't so bad. She had mailed herself to the school during the holiday rush (which took a whole day and a half).

"Not dumber than you, Gojo," Utahime said, pressing into the invisible wall as hard as she could. "Now, turn. The videos. Off."

"You're right," Gojo agreed. "They managed to organize a concert just for you. And gather enough money to buy the entire student body a trip to South Korea."

"It was a present for me-"

"Okay!" Gojo slid in the last disc. "Last one!"

"NO!" Utahime's face paled. "GOJO, STOP!"

"I can't hear you~" Gojo tuned out Utahime as he watched the last disc in the set. "Why does it stop at the first term of 2011, anyway? Did your camera break or something?"

"IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" Minami yelled into the camera.

Someone laughing from behind the camera was heard. The two people were walking down the hallway.

"Where is Yukimura?," Takenaka asked from behind the camera.

"No idea," Minami said, sliding open the door to their classroom. She peeked inside and yelled, "HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL, YUKIMURA!"

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