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Gojo desperately ran down the streets of New York City, holding the phone to his ear. Where he was running to, he had no idea. Why he was running? ...Also no idea.

"Come on, pick up. Pick up," he muttered under his breath.

He didn't know who the puppet show man was, but he understood that the man was dangerous. Not "he-has-cursed-energy" dangerous, but the "he's-really-evil-I-can-feel-it" type of dangerous.

The fact that this man knew Kazuya was unnerving.

Finally, his phone stopped ringing.

"It's two in the morning. This better be goo-"

"Vanilla or cookie dough?"

There was no response, but he heard a thud and crash on the other line. "Kazuya?!"

"Hey, where are the honori-" another loud thump. "Wait, just gimme a sec-"

"What's going on~?" Gojo tried to ask casually, but his ice cream cone was on a chokehold.

Kazuya sighed. "Oh, some idiot broke into my house-"

"WHAT?!" The ice cream cone crumbled in his hands.

"Yeah, like I already called backup and every-" Kazuya stopped midsentence, and Gojo practically felt the sass from halfway across the world. "Yes, YES, I called backup! But it's not for my sake...it's for YOURS!"

Gojo scrunched his nose at the mess of ice cream in his hand. "Don't say that~ you'll scare him-"

"AH! He ran away!" Kazuya interrupted him. "...Damn you, Gojo."

"Eh? What did I do?"

"And he's so dense," he heard Kazuya mutter under her breath. "I'm sorry, I know I promised to call you back but..."

"It's okay~" Gojo said, watching a rat casually walk next to him. "Just be careful."

"Oh, yeah, you know I'm just-" the sound of a door slamming open paused the conversation. "You know I'm just shaking in fear here without my prince charming to protect me!"

Gojo ignored the obvious sarcasm dripping from Kazuya's voice. "If you want me you just have to say so~"

"Go away, Gojo- AHHH NO NO NO! NOT MY PHO-"

Beep. The line went dead.

Gojo stared at his phone. "She's fine. ...Right?"

Then suddenly, his phone lit up again. His face brightened...and then fell when he saw it wasn't Kazuya calling.

𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗 ⟼ g. satoruWhere stories live. Discover now